[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/the-capone-gang-bege-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200420/030cdff421f7888c6535769bfc70380d.png[/img][/url][/center] [hr] Lyss was disappointed to end the fight so quickly, but after she heard the sound of gunfire she was sure that the police would arrive soon. So, the second she had some cover she jogged her way out of the park. On her way out, she took out a few of the trailer's mail boxes while she was at it. It only took her a few minutes, crossing a road, and walking through a field to reach her getaway engine. Humming along to a song she'd gotten stuck in her head on the way over, she bobbed her head as she reached her [url=https://images.autojini.net/AJC/50412/vehicles/AC3C2FD1-D4B4-3528-89B2DBBC4FA56C54_x.jpg]883 speedster[/url]. Hanging across the handle was a bat quiver in which Lyss slid her weapon inside. She threw the bag's strap over her head and shoulder and let the strap rest across her chest like a sash. With one rev of her engine, she was gone. [hr] Another rainy day in Florida. Lyss sat in the windowsill of her little studio apartment. In her hands she held a cup of coffee that smelt like heaven. In the background the local news was playing on the TV. The apartment wasn't awful for it's cheap rent. It wasn't anywhere close to what she had in Miami, but she only had so much saved up that she wanted to be smart with her money. Especially when she had absolutely no idea how she was going to make a living outside of the black market. A desk job would be endlessly boring, and she wasn't keen on serving entitled customers at a restaurant. Maybe if she worked on her apparition summoning she could make a decent living as a psychic. People still went to psychics, right? Anyways, the view of a small diner across the street was nothing compared to a view of the atlantic. Lyss missed the sunny beach town, but she also didn't mind the rain in Tampa. She was the type of person that could enjoy any kind of weather. Actually, scratch that. Lyss hated the cold. She was certainly a warm-blooded creature. [b]"In other news, a trailer mysteriously burst into flames due to a chemical explosion in Jackson county yesterday evening. Local authorities in Greenwood have called it a "Meth Lab Gone Wrong" and have arrested two suspects for the crime."[/b] Lyss's eyebrow quirked and she turned her head to look at the TV, seeing the mugshots of two vampires she recognized from the fight. Neither were of the gigantic boss of the group. [color=D3D3D3]"So, you let two of your drones take the blame so you can walk free. Looks like Kayla will stay in business after all."[/color] With a smirk, Lyss opened up her phone to check the time and realized that she should head to the casino. She hadn't joined up with the gang at Dairy Queen after the fight so she wasn't really sure why they were having another meeting. There also hadn't been any new deaths related to the skeleton shredder. So, what was it this time? She slid out of the windowsill and finished her coffee, setting it down on a shelf nearby. The window shut easily and clicked as Lyss locked it into place. As much as she liked to leave her window open during the cooling rain, she didn't trust a soul in Tampa. Nor any soul that might have travelled from Miami recently. Lyss threw back on her black timbs and pulled her leather jacket over a grey tank top. Her hair she threw up into a ponytail, and she placed a navy ball cap onto her head. She hated getting the rain in her eyes. While she grabbed her keys, she wasn't planning to take her own ride to the casino. Even though she didn't mind riding in the rain, she felt like she needed to avoid using the bike in case anyone had spotted her the day before. Just for a day or so. It wasn't easy to blend in, when you rode a brown motorcycle of this type. One short cab ride later and Lyss was passing her payment and tip up to the driver before she stepped out into the rain. [color=D3D3D3]"Thanks,"[/color] she said to the cabbie before walking in the other direction of the apartment complex she'd been dropped in front of. It would be stupid to stop at an abandoned casino. She held out her hands as she walked. The rain splattered against her outstretched palms and Lyss enjoyed every cold touch of the water. It reminded her of the time she'd played in the rain with her father. Way, way back then. She walked into the building with a little smile on her face and more wet than she expected to be. As one of the first people to arrive, she took a stool with a back to it and played with an app on her phone until the rest showed up. Everyone looked pretty good despite having gone through a violent altercation the day before. Even Sin, who'd been shot, wasn't looking as rough as she had before they all ran off in different directions. Madison and Claudette were the last to enter. Lyss turned her head to look at Agatha and tucked her phone into her jacket's pocket. [color=D3D3D3]"So, what-"[/color] She was interrupted when Madison continued to speak after her greeting. Lyss looked over at the witch, and was shocked to hear that another person in the coven needed help. [i]Will I one day be the girl that asks for help?[/i] She thought, before pushing that though to the back of her mind and off of the cliff where she dumped every other worry she'd ever had. It was unlikely that she'd ever put the coven's needs under her own. She didn't want to jinx herself, but she had a feeling that it would take months before any of her old gang figured out where she was. Even then, Tampa was a big place. She wasn't even using the same cards or bank accounts that she'd used in Miami. It was actually quite easy to disappear. She just needed to avoid anyone that wanted to take selfies for their instagram or blog about their days and she'd be good. She liked this new life. She liked the Coven. As messed up as it was. She wanted to stay for as long as possible. [color=D3D3D3]"What's up, Madison? Are you in trouble?"[/color] She asked, her voice displaying genuine concern.