[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/507743496686403586/701613021134323853/Elise_banner.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/507743496686403586/701624413757374464/Jessica_banner.png[/img][/center] [color=00746b]Dairy Queen[/color] Emily just had to open her mouth and get the last word. Jess just rolled her eyes, letting the high school level insult slide off her easily. Like, honestly, she's straight out of Mean Girls.[color=f26522]"Goood one."[/color] Ellie on the other hand was easily silenced by Emily's sass. She however stared at Emily as she left, glowering with hate in her eyes. Emily wasn't that special, she just had a horrifying monster defending her. Now that people were dispersing Ellie decided it was time to go too. She harshly scribbled Emily's name out of her notes before teleporting to her apartment. Jess laughed nervously when Kayla had asked if anyone needed stitches. She waved her hand dismissively. She left the DQ and drove back to her house. She put on a brave face and walked into her house, fighting the urge to limp as she waved at her dad as she passed the living room. [color=f26522]"Hey dad! I'm hoppin' in the shower!"[/color] She took a long hot shower, cleaning her cut thoroughly. She took extra time to clean out the tub of any blood that was left behind after wrapping her leg in gauze. [color=00746b]Jessica's house[/color] Jess cooked eggs and bacon for breakfast, being delicate with her leg as she moved around the kitchen. She set a plate down for her dad, and one for herself. She finished her breakfast quickly before going to The Core, the comic store she worked at. She wasn't scheduled today, but often stepped in to chat with her friends. Before she knew it, it was time for the Coven meeting. She drove off and with little trouble arrived just on time. [color=00746b]Luckystrike Casino[/color] She took a seat at the main table and waited for others to show up. The place did look a bit nicer than usual. After a while Madison and Claudette came in, and Madison announced her need for help. Jess could get used to this. [color=f26522]"What do you need? I'm up for mostly anything!"[/color] She grinned at the woman, she couldn't help but take a liking to such a confident and beautiful woman. Riley came in and exclaimed that she had survived, which made Jess happy. Riley was wild, and she liked that! You never knew what to expect with her, and that made her damn cool in Jess' book. [color=f26522]"Riley! You're alive!"[/color] She chuckled as she acted overdramatic as a joke. Ellie had been there very early, reading the whole time. She honestly enjoyed being at the casino alone. It was serenely silent, the air a little stagnant, but calming. She was thumbing through a book on the supernatural, pretty sure that the one she was currently reading was nothing but a sham. She sighed and looked at her notes again. She took out another journal and began writing a rough draft of her findings in the Coven so far. After a while everyone had joined and Madison made her call for help. Ellie put down her book, and began listening. She sat alone on an old roulette table.