[hr][CENTER][url=https://fontmeme.com/never-really-over-font/][img]https://i.imgur.com/qbmkwD0.png?2[/img][/url] "[color=#FFD700]Well, this is not how I wanted to start the day.[/color]" [hr]—————————————————— [sub]Dairy Queen[/sub][/center] [indent] Quinn could not help but smile, her eyes practically lit up the sight of the vanilla cone. "[color=#FFD700]Yeah...[/color]" she laughed, "[color=#FFD700]It’s not everyday you get shot.[/color]" she joked, even with her leg being healed, it would sting every now and then and it was definitely still numb. She flexed her foot accidentally and felt that pain as she reached for the ice cream, "[color=#FFD700]Argh-... Thanks.[/color]" she said, gritting her teeth before taking a bite of the ice cream cone (Yeah, she bites her ice cream). She took a few breaths and thanked Molly, "[color=#FFD700]Uh... Mag- Molly! Yeah, I’m getting good at these names.[/color]" she stated, she chuckled under her breath and thanked her. Maybe today was not as bad after all. After all those pleasantries, she limped her way outside after thanking everyone before getting a cab home, she was not going to stand around any longer outside, she wanted to rest from such a busy day. [center] —————————————————— [sub]The Next Day [/sub][/center] "[color=#FFD700]Wooo!![/color]" She exclaimed, she was soaring through the clouds on the back of Keisha, such a speed that she had never experienced before. "[color=#FFD700]Can’t even feel the pain my leg anymore! Thanks Keisha![/color]" said Quinn as she rubbed the side of Keisha. She smiled, she was enjoying herself after what happened yesterday, the morning sun was really soothing and nice. She inched forward and laid into a hug, she stayed like that for a while before saying, "[color=#FFD700]Hey, you wanna try that thing we’ve been practicing?[/color]" she asked, the largest grin on her face. Keisha squawked in agreement before diving down for a moment then flying up to launch Quinn in the air, she did a flip 29,000ft in the air, and reached down for Keisha to catch her. But before her hand could touch her summon, she faded into light and disappeared, Quinn going straight through and was plummeting straight down into the city. "[color=#FFD700]Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Shit! Fuck![/color]" she exclaimed, she tried to straighten her body before reaching her arm out. Her sigil was not reacting at all, "[color=#FFD700]Come on! Come on![/color]" she repeated over and over again, the ground was getting closer, she kept to trying to summon, anyone, anything. People were looking up, screaming, and pointing at her, but right before she hit the ground- [center] —————————————————— [sub]Channel Club Apartments - Room 63F[/sub] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USfoTGFGARE[/youtube][/center] -She woke up. The sound of her alarm blaring the room, she pressed the snooze button and it clicked twice before playing ‘Black Sheep - Metric’ her heart was beating twice as fast, she looked around her messy room, clothes everywhere, tools on the floor, and feathers in places the should not be. She sat up and looked to her immediate right, her dresser with a mirror showing her messy hair, dried saliva from drooling, and obvious wake-up zombie face. She tasted her mouth and shook her head at the bad taste, she leaned over to see half a bottle of scotch on the side of her bed. It would appear she was drinking last night. She rubbed her head and brushed her hair back before moving her attention to the foot of the bed with an asleep Keisha. She moved her foot to the edge of the bed and it was definitely still not working as intended. She threw a pillow at the sleeping griffin and her head popped up like a whack-a-mole. "[color=#FFD700]Shitty alarm clock, I know but uh... Can’t walk.[/color]" She stated, she got to the edge of the bed and used Keisha to help her up. She has her arm around Keisha as she limped to the kitchen, she walked to her fridge and grabbed a few eggs and a large cut of tuna from the freezer. She gave the fish to Keisha before cooking up her breakfast. Just a quick omelette and a few slices of toast. She took the pan and grabbed a fork, eating the eggs straight from the pan she really did not care. She placed the pan in the sink and drowned it in water. She then had Keisha help her to the bathroom so she could quickly shower. After all the necessities she had to do, she had dressed herself in more comfortable clothing but still relatively stylish, a grey sweat shirt, black sweats, grey rubber shoes, and a black bucket hat. She grabbed her phone to see texts from her boss telling her to get better. She could not help but smile, when he sent that, at least someone cared. She then had Keisha fly her to the casino, the coven was active, she was not going to miss that. At least the flight to the casino was fine, especially since being on the outskirts the griffin would not be a problem. [center] —————————————————— [sub]Lucky Strike casino[/sub][/center] As soon as she arrived, she had to hop off the griffin slowly and awkwardly as to not put too much stress on her leg. She held onto Keisha as she walked in, "[color=#FFD700]Hey party people![/color]" She called out with a small smile on her face, she immediately gravitated to towards her saviour, limping her way over there she thought about what she could say. She does not remember much after getting shot, she does remember an ice cream cone though, that was probably a big deal. She placed her hands on the table where Elise was sat at and sighed before saying, "[color=#FFD700]Hey, thanks again, I can't thank you enough.[/color]" said Quinn, taking a seat next to her with some difficulty, "[color=#FFD700]I was so dead if you weren't there.[/color]" She laughed, leaning back in her chair as she let Keisha do her thing; and almost immediately keisha went to snuggle up to Elise's lap, "[color=#FFD700]Am I even your master at this point?[/color]" She jokingly complained, but the only response she got was a release of air from the nose of a huge eagle-lion. She let out a sigh once more and stretched her leg, making sure it was not getting any form of stress at all. [/indent][hr] [color=#BDBDBD][sub][right]Interactions: [@SassySalamander] [@RogueFox][/right][/sub][/color]