[center][h1]Birth in Blood V[/h1][/center]


At long last, her palace was completed. It had been years in the making and it took a great deal of manpower to complete, but at long last it stood in Nallan as a seat of her power. It was a two storied building, but the second level only occurred in a few places. The structure itself was very large, but not enormous by any margin. It wasn’t the Keterfa wall by any means, but it worked. Outside of the palace resided a low wall, still being worked on and built up, but inside that wall there resided a garden of sorts and many dense thickets of foliage. A stone path wandered all the way from the gates to the main doors. The masonry work was by no means exquisite, but it was above the cut anyone would see in those parts. Columns large and small sat silently, in key areas around the entrances, courtyards, and overhangs. 

The palace’s interior was smooth, furnished moderately and was rather plain. There were many rooms with various purposes, mainly chambers for guests or servants. Perhaps the most impressive feature on the first level was the large throne room, also acting as a dining hall. There in the dark hall (For Nalla had taken great care to get rid of most of the natural light with large furs and cloths), resided a stone throne. Nalla had it adorned with furs and blankets as well as a pillow or two for when she sat down. It sat upon a raised platform from the rest of the room.

There were also two courtyards, each housing different plants, and multiple Sylphi seedlings. For Aurinia and Chio had decided to stay after all, much to Nalla’s delight. And really, it wasn’t like they had much of a choice once her charm took hold of them. She had gotten to work, mainly out of boredom and reeling to see what type of traits could manifest within the saplings once they emerged. Ten grew within one courtyard and the other nine grew within the other. She expected the first two to be born any day now, for they had been put there around three years ago and the others had come sporadically within the following years.

It had taken a while for Nalla to convince Auri and Chio to bring her little ones, but once she coaxed them enough, it was easy work from there. Nalla made sure to pamper the two Sylphi as much as she could. She also made sure they were cared for every day, the seedlings, and had gone to great lengths to ensure their survivability. She also put Exodus’ words to the test, and watered them with fresh blood. Always fresh. They received most of their actual water when it rained. 

Her more fleshy based servants also had multiplied and shortly after the first children were born, Nalla moved those families outside of her palace. Their parents could still come and go freely, for they were her servants after all and no one liked to be away from Nalla for too long. That she was assured of. They were also spreading healthy rumors about her and the love she gave out in the name of Neiya.

Down below was where Nalla spent most of her time however. A place where her most devoted resided, where Parn’s testing of magic was put to the test and where she conducted most of her business. The lower level of her palace was constantly being expanded into the stone and dirt below, making sprawling tunnels and more pits for nefarious purposes. It was the most furnished of her home, the most decorated and the most coveted. Artistic works were everywhere, of Neiya's symbolism, to blood red leaves and her own symbol, A blood red heart wrapped around a ruby that closely resembled an eye. Her servants had created it as an act of obsession and Nalla didn't found it amusing so she adopted it.

Outside of her palace, Nallan was booming. The once small village of her birth had turned into a sprawling town. Nothing like the four city states, but it was growing as more and more flocked to her for safety from the surrounding areas. She had quickly followed Exodus’ advice and had found herself a soldier to teach her how to fight and though she wasn’t the biggest fan of it, she learned anyways. Torturing was far more her style and she took to that far more. She still knew she just couldn’t kill people outright or too quickly, for the curse was still upon her, after all. But her powers were still incredibly useful and those she could incapacitate, could be swiftly killed by her men at arms. 

Parn had also made a breakthrough with his pots, and now with a short rune placement, any pots that contained them were capable of keeping liquids fresh for around five years. His brother and sister servants had leant their aid and they had achieved a great feat. It quickly became sought after, and Parn was usually busy teaching low level magicians how to inscribe the pots. It was a good little business she was making.  

There were still frequent visits to local chiefs and other rulers, those who needed assurances or those who needed replacing. Then there were the occasional bandits and brigands making a ruckus, which annoyed her greatly, for they learned to attack during the day for fear of what night brought. She had a few close calls with the sun during that time. 

But all in all, things were going well for Nalla, but she was weary as always. She heard the rumors. Wars, trolls, iskrills, a winged beauty with a sword made of sunlight- All taxing on her mind. There was always a chance something would come, something unexpected like Exodus. But this time, she didn’t think it would end in her favor. She had to be prepared. 


Nalla lounged on her throne, sipping a day old blood in a copper cup. The metal added a unique flavor, but it wasn’t like a throat with fresh blood. How could it? She pouted a bit, but remained. A bit lazy really. It was midday and her palace was bustling with activity as usual. There was still so much to do it seemed. She liked to keep herself busy, after all. 

[color=6fb887]“Well,”[/color] A voice suddenly rang out, seeming to leach through the room and Nalla’s very mind, [color=6fb887]“You’re doing better here than I expected, kid.”[/color]

She sat upright, hairs standing on the back of her neck. She looked around but she was alone in the hall. Was it another God? It had to be. "Oh, hello? Who might this be?" She asked tentatively.

[color=6fb887]“Someone with an interest in you, kid.  I’ve been watching you for a moment, and I have to say I’m impressed.  Though,”[/color] The voice paused and then spoke again with some genuine concern, [color=6fb887]“You might want to watch out for that.  It’s usually nothing, but when someone prays to [i]every[/i] deity like one of your little plants did it can attract attention, but I’m sure you got an idea about that from your last visitor.  Anyway, impressed.”[/color]

She stood up from her throne, running her hands through her hair as she began to pace. So it was a God. "Yes, I should take note of that… It was three years ago give or take but one can never be too careful I suppose. But… You are impressed? With me?" She asked with genuine curiosity mixed with disbelief.

A booming laugh, one that sounded more like a choir than a person, filled the room before the voice deigned to speak again,  [color=6fb887]“Surprised?  Well, you should be.  In thousands of years I’ve only ever done this a few times.  It’s not as dramatic as it was when I could walk around down there, but what can you do?  A personal audience with the divine is something enough people pray for on a daily basis, though those people don't usually tend to found states.  Especially in spite of their, eh, condition?”[/color]

Her eyes widened a bit at that. Well of course they would know her affliction. "A condition I have worked around and used to my advantage. I wanted to be chieftain but why stop at something so small, you know?" She mused.

[color=6fb887]“I imagine I do,”[/color] The voice joked, [color=6fb887]“But still, well done.  Neiya’s gift certainly helped, you have no idea how poorly most take to the memories, but I can’t ignore your own work.  In spite of a divine curse, not to mention one which promptly ruined a perfectly good means of succession for everyone, you’ve managed to come out on top.  Better yet, you’ve actually managed to expand your authority.”[/color]

There was a long pause, but a weight in the air compelled silence until the voice spoke again, [color=6fb887]“Which brings me here.  I suppose I’d better introduce and explain myself.  The name’s Tekret et Heret, and I’m here with something of an offer.”[/color]

"Tekret… et… Heret?" She breathed, bringing both her hands to her cheeks in surprise. "The King Maker? The Crown Giver? Tekret speaks to me? I am humbled." She gushed happily.

[color=6fb887]“That, and the God of Contracts.”[/color] The voice grew rich with amusement,  [color=6fb887]“Plus a thousand other, less relevant, titles. So, the offer.  You’ve turned one of the highlands rather fetid cesspools into a thriving little community, and good on you.  If you want a crown, you can have it for that alone. Or.  You can swear to allow my House of Order full autonomy within your borders, and get something with a little more behind it.  Up to you, of course.”[/color]

Nalla took a deep breath, thinking over the offer. She could hardly believe it. Not one, not two, but three gods bestowing gifts? She could hardly refuse but she did have a question. "If I might ask, before I decide, your House of Order. What do they do?" She asked.

[color=6fb887]“This and that.  Uphold the laws of the land, take in criminals if they’re clever enough to devote themselves to me instead of running, and generally make sure little projects like yours here last longer than a minute.”[/color] There was a hint of gravity in the voice now, and as it continued it only grew more intense,  [color=6fb887]“They’ll help you, so long as you keep doing what you’re doing.  I won’t have them answer to anyone but me, though.  Kings and [i]Queens[/i] have an unfortunate habit of meddling where they’re not needed, often to their own detriment.  So, do we have a deal?  Or will you take the smaller offer?”[/color]

She thought on it and then said, "We have a deal, as long as they understand my affliction and that I won't do them harm." She said.

[color=6fb887]“I’ll make sure they’re on their best behavior,”[/color] With those words a small weight began to press on Nalla’s head, [color=6fb887]“And I’ll be looking forward to what you do with this, kid.”[/color]

With that the gods presence faded from the room, and Nalla’s mind.  The thickness in the air vanished, and atop the Vampire's head sat a bloody red crown.  It shifted and moved as whatever material made it up flowed, but to the touch it was firm as stone.  There was no explanation, or instructions, but such things weren’t needed.

The Blooded Crown had been forged by a gods will, and that will made itself known. She touched it gingerly, her small smile widening with wicked glee as the crown, her crown, imparted upon her its will. She let out a small giggle at first, before she could hardly contain her laughter. 


We get another update with Nalla who has been busy. It has been three years since the last post in her timeline and much has happened. Her Palace is complete, she’s learned how to use her blade and whip a bit, the Sylphi have produced nineteen seedlings and two are about to be born, she’s had Parn make pots that keep liquid fresh for five years and Nallan is booming as she takes more and more territory. 

Tekret shows up and he is impressed by her, and cuts a deal. She gets a Crown in exchange for his House of Order to have full autonomy within her borders. She accepts as long as they are aware and okay with her nature. Times are looking good.


(0DP) Aura of Majesty II: The Blooded Crown projects an aura of nobility and command. Those in its presence will be more hesitant to speak without permission, disrespect, or disobey it's wearer. 

(5DP) Army of Shadows V: The wearers servants may swear eternal loyalty, and submit some of their blood to the crown. When that servant dies, regardless of how, some of their spirit is contained within the Blooded Crown. Placed at the beck and call of the wearer these spirits manifest as shadows that can, for brief moments, interact with the physical world. The Crown will only hold the spirits of those pledged to its current wearer, but it has no limit on how many of these it may carry. If enough are pledged an army of shadows can be summoned from the Crown, capable of tearing people apart.



Nalla starting = +10

10k+ chars = +5


-15 Prestige: Creating an adjacent minor consecrated entity. 

Nalla’s Palace. A home especially crafted for a Vampire in mind. It stands above Nallan like a beacon and houses many dark secrets within its walls. More to come on a wiki page. Probably.

Ending = 0

Charm of desire = +15

10k+ Chars = +5

-20 to level up Lover's Fancy III to V. (The charm’s effects now take longer to wear off and builds a stronger sense of trust and kinship. As well as a degree of lust.)

Ending = 0



= 5

Servants = 39?
I forgot to mention them in the last collab so I won’t count this one but-

10k+ Chars = +5

-5 Prestige: Making a minor cultural or technological shift (A new musical style, architectural innovation, introducing new crops, creating a festival)

Rune pots- Containers with the proper magic runes are capable of keeping liquids fresh for up to five years.

Total remaining 39.
