[center][h1][b][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmY0NjIwNi5TR1Z5YVdzZ1EyeGxkR2x6LjA,/california-street.regular.png[/img][/b][/h1][/center] A lot happened during the fight. Sin got shot, a big vampire tackled him and he landed on his shoulder wrong, but he punched it in the face. They grappled on the concrete, until Kayla called the fight to end and Claudette turned the street dark. Herik kicked the creature off him, then ran towards the tree, since it was his only point of reference in the darkness. From there he managed to make his way back to his car. He peeled off the street, but didn't follow everyone else. Instead, he went to the hospital, because he'd done wrong. He shouldn't've been in that fight. His mother wouldn't have approved. Sure he went to support Kayla, but he didn't expect more than a little fighting, like a bar brawl. Not a bloody battle. It was too much. His mother raised him better than this. He's sure he hurt the vampires he fought, maybe beyond repair. His stopped at a traffic light and looked at his bloody knuckles. He can't go see his mother like this, but he was barely holding it together. He parked in the hospital lot and he wiped his hands the best he could with a cloth in his bag. The process to check in and get a visitor's bag took a few minutes, then he was in her room, sitting next to her. She didn't look any different than when he last saw her a week ago. Still blonde with a gray strands, her laugh lines were frown lines, the wrinkles around her eyes looked sad without her liveliness. He placed his hand next to hers, because he couldn't bring himself to touch her with the blood on his hands. "I got in a fight today. I know I shouldn't've, but a friend needed help." He shrugged, and tapped the bed nervously. "But that's no excuse, is it? I broke a man's jaw for my girlfriend. You'd think I'd learned conflict resolution, but I didn't and I'm sorry. I just want to protect the girls, y'know. They're young and lost." He laid his head down on the bed. "I'm the oldest I should lead by example. I can hear you say it now, but I wouldn't be in the Coven if you were awake." He sighed and closed his eyes. "I'll do better. I promise. No more violence, unless absolutely necessary. Right." [center]~.~[/center] Herik stayed in the hospital all night, until the nurse woke him up the next morning. He went home, eat, showered, and put an ace bandage on his shoulder, the pain finally hit him. He changed into a purple mini jersey shorts and started his work out. He switched between one arm push ups and sit ups in his living room, until a half hour before the Coven meeting. He got half way there, before getting out his car with a water bottle in his hand. He hadn't worked out the shame from yesterday and his workout at home wasn't enough, so he jogged the rest of the way to Lucky Strike Casino. Most members were there when he came in. He smiled the best he could, then sat away from everyone else at the furthest end of the bar. He didn't have to wait long for Madison and Claudette to come in, Madison asking for help with something called the Hound. From the way Babylon explained it, the creature didn't seem like the type to throw fists at. A grim reaper of sorts. Sounds like something best to avoid. He barely flinched at Madison's Jaws. "I'll help you with anything you need. I'd help any of you, but I think we need to be careful. Some of us got hurt yesterday." He looked at Sin. She got shot and could have died. "This...Hound doesn't sound like something we should mess with. Babylon said it takes souls to the other side." As much as he doesn't trust Babylon he couldn't see a reason for her to lie about this. "What if it takes one of us? Is whatever you're looking worth your friends' lives?"