[hr] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLmFiMGQwZC5UV0Y1WVNCRGFHOXAuMAAA/budhayanti-script.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr] Maya had woken up the next morning after what felt like two hours of sleep and a night spent trying to find a position she could comfortably sleep in without pain in her side. She hadn’t succeeded at all. Which sucked, because Maya did not function well on less than six hours of sleep. The night before she’d gotten home and pretty much collapsed for the night, but not before getting a phone call from Nina to make sure she was okay after the fight. Of course, Maya had completely lied that she hadn’t gotten any injuries at all - but it wasn’t like she was in that bad of a state. The conversation from there, however, was much more interesting. Nina filled her in on all the details of their run in with Kimberley Walton, a host of a show that Maya had heard of but personally never heard of. So when she’d woken up, far too early for how little sleep she got, she’d researched into her and watched a few episodes. It was interesting, to say the least, but not exactly Maya’s cup of tea. Not to mention that she’d already experienced the supernatural. She was curious about exactly why the girl had checked out their coven, but research wasn’t going to help that. Now all she wanted to do was take the day to curl up in bed and watch shit, but of course the coven wanted another meeting. What it was she didn’t know but it was always better to be involved in these things rather than skip out. So instead she forced herself to get up and get read, before heading out. [hr] [code]Lucky Strike Casino [/code] Madison had just asked for help when Maya arrived, silently slipping in and taking a seat at the table while the others asked what the problem was and Madison began to explain. She was wearing normal clothes for her, a baggy knitted jumper and shorts, along with a pair of sunglasses that looked way out of place on a rainy day. But she’d rather look like a weirdo trying to be cool than show that black bags underneath her eyes that makeup had failed to cover. She nodded slightly at what Herik said. She wasn’t ready to risk her life to talk to what sounded like a furry grim reaper. “That doesn’t sound morbid at all,” she muttered as Molly suggested finding someone who’s dying, before speaking up louder. “I don’t think just sitting watching someone who’s dead is a great plan… What do you want to do, turn up to a hospital and ask who’s closest to dying? Do we even know this Hound turns up for every death?” She turned her head to look at Madison. “Not saying I don’t want to help, and I get that we all have our secrets, but you should at least tell us part of why you’re looking for the Hound. You know before we risk ourselves to help you find him…” Not that Maya would actually agree to help if there was a risk. Research, finding people, she could do. Rocking up for a conversation with something that takes souls to the other side? Not so much.