[center][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/IKqFKMY.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/mW0NEim.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/imhENU4.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/p8vUgmN.png[/img] [hr][/center] [quote=Herik]"This...Hound doesn't sound like something we should mess with. Babylon said it takes souls to the other side. What if it takes one of us? Is whatever you're looking worth your friends' lives?"[/quote] "Oh don't worry about [i]that[/i]," Babylon chuckled as she answered Herik's concerns, "He'll only take you to the other side if you're slated to go... in which case, you had it coming." She floated forward a bit until she was directly over the table as she faced the entire group. "The problem is that... he already knows you're after him," Babylon said with a chuckle as she wanted to see how the group would react to this neck revelation, "He knows we're talking about at this very second... and he could come here and find [i]you[/i] at any time. Except, he probably doesn't feel like you're worth his time, so..." [quote][color=598527]"It'd probably be easier if we simply find someone dying... The hound is the courier for the dead to pass on, right? Why not simply locate someone on their death bed. Eventually, The Hound would show up to do his job. Though, no guarantee's he'd be willing to talk to any of us."[/color] [/quote] "That's morbid... when did a girl like [i]you[/i] get such a dark streak? Hehehehehe..." Babylon chuckled at the girl as Emily was forced to turn her head towards her. "... Yeah, when did you?" She raised an eyebrow as she averted eye contact with the girl. That was not a good idea, at all. Emily wasn't big on sitting around in a hospital or something... nor was she super big on chasing after the Hound. "Either way, count me and Babylon out." She crossed her legs. [quote=Maya]“Not saying I don’t want to help, and I get that we all have our secrets, but you should at least tell us part of why you’re looking for the Hound. You know before we risk ourselves to help you find him…”[/quote] Madison was quiet for a few seconds as she realized this was not something that she was prepared to share with the group. "... Forgot I said anything." Madison softly said. "Is there something you had in mind, leader?" Emily asked Agatha, "Because you can't keep calling us here for nothing, some of us have things to do, you know."