[color=603F6E][center][h1][b]Agatha Loom[/b][/h1][/center][/color]

[i]Ironic. Apparently seeking out some oddly morbid murders was too dangerous for the Coven, but not seeking out a literal personification of death for literally no given reason?[/i] Regardless, Agatha bit her tongue. She didn't really want to snark at or pick a fight with Madison, especially after she surrendered the floor. At the very least, it was sobering to see the Coven wasn't turning into everyone's personal chore-takers. 

[quote=Emily]"Is there something you had in mind, leader? Because you can't keep calling us here for nothing, some of us have things to do, you know."[/quote]

[color=603F6E]"Alright, if we're done with the day's share-and-care, we can get onto the agenda. The only real order of business I called this meeting for, is that I wanted to bring up that we have a new potential member,"[/color] Agatha began, folding her hands together.

[color=603F6E]"Just last night I was contacted online by somebody. They said they knew about our Coven, and that they wanted to join with us if we'd let them. Obviously I was a bit skeptical and on guard at first. They said they lived in the area, and were willing to go through whatever initiation we had for them. I told them I'd get back to them soon, but before I went and took them in, I wanted to check by each of you guys first. A vote, I guess. What do you guys think?"[/color]

Agatha remained silent, giving each member of the Coven a moment to think before answering. In her own opinion, she was extremely uncertain. While she herself managed to join over the internet, she didn't know whatever thought process the leader at the time used to consider taking Agatha in, so she really didn't know how to judge the merits of a complete stranger. So instead she left it up to group instinct for now. If needed, she'd just change her opinion and use her vote as a tiebreaker if needed.