So, here be this thing.


[b][i]Name:[/i][/b] "Scout"
[b][i]Race:[/i][/b] Dwarf
[b][i]Age:[/i][/b] 26
[b][i]Faction Loyalty:[/i][/b] Legion of the Dead

[b][i]Appearance:[/i][/b] In his developing years, Scout was one of the better-looking dwarves, by dwarven standards. His time with the Legion, however, left him with more than a few scars from blades, arrows, and claws, as well as a burn from his left cheek down his torso, from a Hurlock mage. The auburn hair on his head is kept shaved, and his beard is kept at a finger's length, to prevent it being grabbed.

[b][i]Class:[/i][/b] Legion Scout
[b][i]Class Description:[/i][/b] Having served as picket and reconnoiter of the famed Legion of the Dead, he moves quietly, sees clearly, and knows his way around traps, and years of death have only somewhat dulled his Merchant-born skill with words. Fighting the Darkspawn regularly has given him both the Taint and a good deal more physical strength and endurance than similarly sneaky types enjoy.

[b][i]Weapons:[/i][/b] He typically carries twin knives and a crossbow, the former to weave through armor, the latter to pierce it.
[b][i]Armor:[/i][/b] With his own, sophisticated Legion Scout armor badly damaged, he had to wear a human smith's paltry attempt at repairs, and sacrificed protection for quiet. The mail still looks like the lighter Legion stuff -- white skull emblazoned on the middle of the chest -- but does not perform nearly so well as it used to. His old helmet remains inside an ogre's corpse, and he now settles for half-helms, to allow for his vision and hearing.

[b][i]Special Skills:[/i][/b] Bartering
[b][i]Personality:[/i][/b] While open to friendly banter, Scout does not need it to sustain himself. He derives a sense of purpose from hunting Darkspawn, and security from his mobility. Scout grows restless if he stays in one place for too long, but has earned a respect for the import of commanding officers, and will only complain when he sees it vital.

[b][i]Biography:[/i][/b] "Scout" was not born as such, instead being fathered by one of the Merchant Caste in Kal'Hirol. Trade with the Surface being officially cut for some time, the Merchant Caste became more riddled with crime and corruption than any time previously. Goods were smuggled in and out of Kal'Hirol especially, due to it being directly beneath the bustling trade hub of the Amaranthine. Kal'Hirol officials had largely remained part of this corruption, but pressure from Orzammar only ever increased, and the occasional punishment was demanded.

Scout, in his youth, ended up being one such sacrifice. While moving lyrium to the Surface at his father's behest, Scout was captured by dwarven soldiers. He was, of course, captured [i]after[/i] the successful delivery, which had the benefit for the officials of not interrupting their pay, and Scout of not officially losing his caste by being spotted on the Surface. The punishment proved to be imprisonment, but anyone savvy enough to smuggle lyrium was of value to the Legion of the Dead. As the Legion had the same sort of autonomy as the diminishing Grey Wardens, Scout was allowed to join their number, which he eagerly accepted.

His years with the legion were some of the most purposeful of his life, and Scout took to his new identity vigorously. In the years of Blight, the Legion were nearly the only dwarva still fighting the Darkspawn, seeing it as an opportunity to press forward, rather than a holiday. While the relative peace of the Deep Roads lent itself to Scout living years longer than most of his discipline, he did sustain many injuries, but regarded them with pride. One day though, Scout sustained the wound that kills everyone as surely as time: the Taint.

They were near the Surface at the time, striking at a group of Darkspawn who'd had the wits to travel underground in day, to sneak beyond Human defenses. It was there that Scout stumbled on an ogre in battle armor. Such a creature would prove an unwelcome surprise to whatever Human settlement the Darkspawn were attacking, and Scout attempted to escape and warn the Legion. The ogre was pet to a hurlock mage, as it turned out, and Scout's exit was blocked. Having already had his funeral some years before, Scout settled himself on killing the ogre. The beast had other plans, and even as Scout slit its giant wrist, that hand forced his torso to the great maw, where his entire torso was taken as a matter of course. Armor rent and bones broken, it nearly killed Scout when the ogre fell to its death with him still in the mouth. The Wardens, it seemed, had noticed the same group the Legion had.

The Wardens were few at the time -- a Commander and Recruits -- but with the aid and distraction of the badly-damaged but still quite-violent Scout, forced the Darkspawn into retreat. When the battle was done, a young mage recruit was able to repair the wounded dwarf. The same could not be said for either his Legion Scout armor or the Taint the ogre's blood and slobber had given him. With no contact from the Legion, Scout was given a choice by the Wardens and Fate: search for a path back to his unit and die of the Taint while the Darkspawn ravaged the surface, or help restore the dwindling Blight-enders. It wasn't really a choice at all, he'd later decided.