
There were a lot of moving parts to Madison's gambit, the fact that someone had died. The fact that she was trying to trade her soul. The fact that she had already been dead herself... All wonderful topics to explore and question had she not lunged forward and attacked the shady hound head on. Kayla had seen the kind of damage that Madison could do- which was a good deal in controlled areas like this one, but she didn't think she'd ever see the day when she'd see someone take a hit from her and [i]laugh[/i].

[i]"... You know you can't win yet you still fight. If you're so set on this path at least make it entertaining."[/i]

The Hound charged, and Kayla wanted to scream. Let in rage, and more in frustration at Madison's complete disregard for [i]their[/i] lives. Like, fuck, if you're going to throw your life away, do it on your own bill rather than someone else's. She was going to have Madison's ass for this later, dead or alive, rain or shine. She was [i]going[/i] to kill her.

But that would have to wait. Right now, she had a death hound on her ass that needed far more immediate attention, because this Hound was going to kill [i]them[/i]. There was something so unsettling about it- making her pulse race and adrenaline flow. There was always something about the supernatural that did that. [i]Forest. It could be pushed.[/i] a voice whispered in her head, and as she reacted her passenger seemed to act on its own accord in her body. That's right, this was a forest. The Hound, at that, had been shoved a great distance by Madison's attack even if it was mostly unharmed.

Kayla's arm acted on its own accord, her eyes flashing a brilliant white as an invisible, irresistible, unstoppable force rippled through the air from her hand. [i]Everything[/i] in front of her not nailed into the ground was uprooted in a positively empyrean blast of telekinetic power moving so fast and with so much power that it, momentarily, rendered the laws of physics a child's plaything. The very [i]air[/i] danced with energy like heat on a scorching hot road during the day. It was the sound of thunder, a lightning strike of the loudest sound one would ever hear in their lives. Like a freight train passing directly by, but it's coming from every direction at once, including above and below. The breath left Kayla's lungs momentarily as the force displaced the very atmosphere around them in a vacuum lasting for not even a moment.

And in that moment there was no sound, there couldn't be. There was no air. It felt like the pressure around her had returned, and she felt like she had fallen ten feet and not at all at the same time. She gasped, filling her lungs with the air they had been robbed of. The rocks had been thrown, or obliterated outright. The Sticks, leaves, any animals among them... every tree within sixty feet of her had been not only uprooted, but hurled dozens of yards away. It was like a hurricane, or a meteor had fallen directly on the area, but only in one direction. The Coven had never seen her really let loose. They hadn't even seen a [i]tenth[/i] of what she could do until now... but this Hound? There was something wrong with it. Something told her that it would take everything she had if she wanted a chance to survive it, if it wanted to kill her.

The Hound was undoubtedly within the rubble, having been hurled like it was nothing along with that entire section of the forest. Her hearing began returning, a small amount, but enough so that she heard more than the incessant ringing that always came after an event like this. She tasted metal on her lips, and ran a hand across her nose to confirm how badly she was bleeding. It would heal- it always did, but it was heavy on the body.

Kayla wasn't sure how the other group was fairing- they undoubtedly had been shoved back by the sheer air pressure even if they had been behind the blast, but she doubted the thing was dead. If it had shrugged off Madison's punch so easily, this likely did little more than but them time.

And create kindling.

But Kayla needed a moment to right herself. "Keep it busy!" she just about hacked out between gasps, trying to catch her breath again. "Just- just buy me ten seconds and I'll get us out of here!" Her sense of balance having been thrown off by the scale of the blast she had created- that was one of her largest. [i]That could have leveled a fucking multi-story building.[/i] a part of her surmised, somewhat proud of her work.

The other part?

That part wanted to hurl.