[center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5116838][img]https://i.imgur.com/HrivtRc.png[/img][/url] [h1],[/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/IKqFKMY.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/imhENU4.png[/img] [h1],[/h1] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/507743496686403586/701624413757374464/Jessica_banner.png[/img] [h1], &[/h1] [sub][h3]Kayla[/h3][/sub][hr][/center] Molly heard Kayla call her name as she was between the girl and the Hound. She angled her ear to Kayla to pay attention to the instructions. Nodding to confirm she heard, Molly immediately turned and began to head out of the area and towards the vehicle they had arrived in; grabbing Kayla's shoes on the way and waving to both Madison and Jess to follow along. It wasn't long before the group arrived back at the car and Molly simply climbed into one of the available seats and seemed to relax, though her eyes remained steadfast to watch the scene before them. Mostly making sure the Hound didn't get past Kayla without notice. Without much delay the forest before them began to burn, and rapidly increase into a roaring whirlwind of fire; Molly couldn't help but smile at the sight. It was truly a brilliant sight to witness. After some time the fires dimmed, only slightly, and eventually she noticed Kayla come tumbling out of the smoke; her clothes singed to the point Molly was surprised they still remained on the girls figure. She was about to get out and help the girl to the car before she noticed Madison taking care of that detail. As the four were all finally in the car and heading down the road Molly looked back at the scene they were leaving; Noticing the now unscathed and massive figure of the black wolf simply watching their retreat; soon hearing the words inside her head. She groaned audibly to herself. This was going to be a pain. It was difficult for a Apparition of Fear and Deity of Death to not cross paths on occasion. She simply hoped the threat was towards the mortals and not herself. After a short ride the car pulled into a Dairy Queen, as the car was pushed into park Molly lazily pushed her door up and began to walk towards the entrance with the group. Stopping in mild surprise as the girl Madison suddenly turned on her and hoisted her by the neck, her afforded strength given by the Jaws. Molly sighed as her feet lay dangling a few inches off the ground, seemingly unphased by the fact that a strong grip bruised the skin around her throat. "Hraesvelgr. But you may simply call me Molly. Seeing as that's the name of the meat I am wearing." She stated rather casually, her soft brown eyes looking down at the girl holding her up in the air. "And I didn't lay a finger on her. Someone broke my toy, and I saved it from bleeding out on the floor of a dusty building. So I believe, if anything, a thank you would be appropriate." "Okay, what the fuck?" Madison nearly shouted at Molly - No, Apparition. Tears began falling down her face. "I'm not thanking you for [i]shit.[/i] Tell me what happened to Molly or I'm going to tear you out of her!" The hand that wasn't holding Hraesvelgr materialized a glowing purple claw with massive nails. "Or better yet, fly you up somewhere really high and [i]drop you[/i], don't fuck with me, I'll do it!" Molly couldn't help but mildly chuckle at the threat. "I guess Molly didn't tell you much of me. I am the Apparition of Fear. Threats don't [i]terrify[/i] me, nor does the consequence of pain. But I have no reason to keep it a secret. You found out who I really am, so that portion of fun was taken from me. So, I will tell you the memories I have of Molly before she was nearly killed..." [hider=Molly's Transformation]After they had all left the Dairy Queen Molly remained in her car for a bit. While the days events were far from ordinary, some reason she couldn't get the thought of Agatha's news articles out of her head. She felt there was far more to it than what the rest of the coven had dismissed it as. Molly reached into her back pocket, retrieving the news article she had folded and stuffed there earlier in the day and gave it another once over. Realizing that the locations these murders took place where not terribly far she decided to check it out. The day was getting later and there wasn't much day light left. So she felt it would allow her to investigate without notice. Molly dropped the piece of paper on the passenger seat, ignited the engine of her rusted truck and headed towards the location mentioned in the news report. It didn't take long before she was coming up on the neighborhood. Deciding to first take a slow lap around the area to check it out from the safety of her car first; she noticed a few abandoned buildings in the area and deciding those might be the best place to check out. See if anything or anyone had used it as a base of operations of some kind. Molly finally pulled her truck over a few blocks from the location of the abandoned building she first wanted to scope out. She killed the engine and took a few deep, calming breaths before hopping out. She casually made her way down the street, trying to make her seem just like a normal pedestrian taking a stroll. Though in truth what else would some random girl walking down the street look like; so the effort was entirely wasted. As she made it to the abandoned building she could feel her breathing get a little heavier as her nerves began to get the better of her. She stopped before the loosely chained double doors. Taking a few more breaths before she finally pulled the door as open as it could go, squeezing herself into the small space and into the entrance of the building. It was much darker than she expected. Though thinking it would be well lit was probably a dumb expectation. As her eyes slowly adjusted to the dark she was finally able to start moving around, using the vague shadows of shapes to traverse the halls while making as little noise as she could. A flash light would have been a very useful tool right about now. Molly heard a strange sound in somewhere in the building... like something gnawing on flesh. It started out quiet but got louder as she was lead to it. She felt her steps become less and less certain as she moved towards the sound. As if the curiosity was stronger than her fear. What if someone was in danger and she could help. She swallowed her nerves as she became more and more aware of how loud her own footsteps were, trying to her best to adjust her steps to become more quiet. Her steps slowed as it sounded as if the sounds were coming from the otherside of the wall. She, as silently as she could, moved towards an open doorway. As she stopped just to the side of the door she slowly peeked her head around to take a look at what made the sound; she saw a nude humanoid with skin pale as paper hunched over the body of an elderly male. Evidently chewing on the older man's flesh and ripping and tearing huge chunks of flesh off so it can eat. It didn't notice Molly as it was too preoccupied with its meal. Fear wrapped it fingers around Molly, squeezing her til pure terror was all she was left sitting in. Rationality left in the corner of her thoughts as the only thing screaming inside her mind was [i]'RUN!'[/i] Molly turned back quickly towards where she had come and bursting into a full sprint down the dark corridor. She came upon a T in the hall, and in her frantic state she couldn't remember which direction was out. But she had to keep moving. She instinctively took a left turn and ran, her foot catching some unseen object that caused her to trip and tumble to the ground. She scrambled back to her feet and carried on forward until she came to the end. There was several doors that lined the walls; all closed. She tried opening each door only to hear the heart wrenching clattering against a closed lock. Panic only rose, as she knew this was a dead end and needed to turn back the other way. The thing was right behind her, she could hear its claws scraping against the concrete floor as it got closer and closer and closer. It came to a skidding stop as its claws scraped the tile off the ground. It's mouth was oozing fresh blood as it looked up at Molly, its teeth long, needle-like, and its eyes were sunken in to the point where she couldn't see it. It's entire body was gaunt, skeletal, almost literally skin and bones with long needle-like claws. It spit up blood as it screeched at her, throwing itself at Molly with its claws extended. She could hear it coming from behind, closing the distance quickly. Frantically Molly tried kicking at the door with all her strength, hoping with all her might she had the strength to break the lock and continue running. But before she noticed something took her breath. She didn't feel the pain, not at first. But she was stopped in her tracks. She looked down at this strange sensation at her midsection. Protruding through her stomach and shirt were bloody needle-like bones. She was in shock, the pain hadn't hit her yet. She simply felt, stopped. Unwilling to move as if her strength was sapped from her. Suddenly the claws were pulled violently free from her midsection and she could feel the warmth of her blood pouring down out from her stomach. The thoughts if she was going to die here constantly repeated in her mind. She knew the answer, though she couldn't accept it. But she had no fight left. Her body felt cold as she collapsed to the ground weakly. The thing let out a screech as it lept off of her and its claws scraped against the ground as it came to a stop. It circled Molly for a bit, before it quickly ran off and she could hear the sound of the creature tearing at [i]something[/i] to make its escape followed by the whistle of the wind. She laid face down on the tiles, a small pool of crimson beginning to form around her against the floor. Her breathing became choppy as it became harder to drawn in breath. The scraping sound came to her hollow, her senses seeming to have distorted as she found it harder to remain conscious. But something caught her ear. A heavy step seeming to come towards her from down the hall. Was it back to finish her off? No... the sound was too familiar. Too casual, not seemingly rushed at all. The steps stopped shortly behind her, she wanted to look; too see what stood above her. But her strength was gone. But soon a familiar voice found her ear. [b][color=9e0b0f]"Oh... Look what they've done to my toy."[/color][/b] the familiar, low tone of Hraesvelgr sounded behind her. For some reason Molly took comfort in the sound. [color=9e0b0f][b]"It's truly a shame. I had so many plans for you."[/b][/color] the voice stated, not in a sad way but more of a matter of fact. [color=9e0b0f][b]"Hmm..."[/b][/color] the low voice rumbled inquisitively, as if it had some sort of idea. [b][color=9e0b0f]"That could be a rather interesting endeavor."[/color][/b] Molly could hear the menacing grin in his words. Suddenly a rush of heat struck her back. Terror found it's way back to her mind as the heat permeated across her body and her vision slowly turned to black. She was quickly enveloped in this darkness, slowly her mind shifted from terror to apathy as her mind seemed to float in a dimension of nothingness. She no longer felt, her emotions had left her while within this void of nothing.. But slowly Molly's body pushed itself up to her feet. Her eyes taking curious looks across her own body as a smirk began to form on her lips. [color=1a7b30][b]"Oh yes, this will be very interesting"[/b][/color] Molly stated in amusement with a soft laugh to herself.[/hider] "..And that's how I came to possess this girls body." Molly finished simply. The Recollection faded and there was something inside of Madison that snapped. For a second she stared at "Molly" with wide-eyed shock as she yelled as she tossed her across the near empty parking lot. Floating over towards the girl and she cracked her knuckles as the barrier around her reformed into its usual mass of eldritch bones. Letting out a yell she quickly closed the distance as she brought her fist down in an attack that would probably kill any normal human being. Molly believed that explanation would be enough to end all this foolishness, but suddenly her body was tossed across the parking lot, only to crash into the pavement and tumble a few more foot. Molly groaned in annoyance as she pushed herself up to her feet, noticing the few scrapes she recieved from the pavement. Could these incessant creatures stop damaging her toy! Molly eyes narrowed angrily as the girl came at her to strike. Molly wasn't dumb enough to assume it would do nothing if she simply let it happen. As the strike came down towards Molly suddenly appeared between them a thick wall of bone and flesh. The wall shattered and split on impact, but kept Molly untouched all the same. As Madison tore a hole through the wall Molly could be seen smirking before being hidden my a pillar of the same material came rushing through the opening Madison created and towards the girls center mass with violent force. The pillar caught Madison off guard and sent her flying backwards and the sheer impact cracked the bones that comprised the barrier, but not break them. She flew backwards and did a flip as she regained control of herself. Madison was quick to fly towards Molly as she shouted, "[i][b]GET OUT OF HER BODY![/b][/i]" Madison grabbed the pillar and it snapped off as she attempted to use it as a battering ram. Molly's pompous smirk remained on her lips as she was yelled at to remove herself from the body she was inhabiting. As Madison broke the pillar and came at her like a battering ram she didn't move, simply allowing Madison to charge right towards her. As the pillar was nearly about to impact into her chest it simply deteriorated into ash and leave Madison holding nothing but air. As Madison's body continued to launch towards her Molly suddenly reached out in a flash of motion, gripping tightly around the barrier covering the girls throat and slamming her body into the concrete. "Get out? You realize, if I leave... Molly's soul withers. She isn't strong enough to survive the damage it took." Molly stated firmly, staring down at the girl pinned beneath her hand to show how serious her words were. However, Molly forgot about the various skeletal limbs and skulls that were floating off of Madison's body. A raptor's skull chomped down on Molly's lower leg and blood trickled as it refused to let go. The only thing was... ... [i]Madison didn't command the Jaws to do that.[/i] "... That means she's still in there," Madison said as she lifted Molly up into the air. "... Which means we can do something to help her!" She shouted. Molly flinched and growled in protest as the ethereal teeth sunk into her leg, before being lifted high into the air. Suddenly two large, crescent shaped blades of bone struck across the skeletal limb that held her in opposite direction; like scissors cutting through paper the limb shattered and released its hold and Molly began to fall back to the ground. She landed on her feet, but instantly collapsed to her knees as the strain on her bitten leg caught her off guard. She pushed herself back to her feet and glared down at the girl not far from her. Suddenly a large skeletal scythe appeared at Molly's side, grabbing it firmly in hand. "You keep pushing me kid and I will take off the training wheels." Molly declared viciously. "The only reason I haven't tried to kill you yet is because this incessant voice keeps pleading me not to." Madison floated in the air, looking down at Molly as the rain began to fall yet again. Madison merely shook her head at Molly's assertion. "... You're not going to be standing that long with a bite like [i]that,[/i]" She pointed at the wound on Molly's leg. "And if you try to leave, you're not going to get far..." Madison sighed. "... And you heard the Hound, right? [i]I already fucking died[/i]. Think I'm [i]really[/i] afraid to do it again if I got to?Think again, dickhead. You call yourself the Apparition of fear? Well, I've seen things that are a [i]lot[/i] scarier than you. Much worse. [i]And[/i] I've seen them get their ass kicked. So what you think that you're any different? Any better? Well you're dead fucking wrong." Madison stuck her right hand out. The Jaws suddenly disappeared as Madison decided to use a secret weapon, or technique, that the Jaws told her about. She formed an enormous T-Rex skull comprised of all the bones that the Jaws could materialize. It was bigger than her entire body and she was holding the ethereal thing like it was nothing. The Jaws told her that this was focusing all of his strength into one club... at the cost of sacrificing protection of the rest of her body. However, she heard a voice behind her. "... Both of you. Keep it in your pants." Kayla said, dragging herself up to her feet as soon as she finished her Blizzard. She had been enjoying the show so far, if nothing else. Between her own thoughts and the general tone the night had taken, she was so mentally exhausted with The Coven's crap that her typical endless well of patience for bullshit had reached its wit's end. "I will tear both of your hearts out of your chests, so help me god." Madison turned around towards Kayla, "Kayla, do you even [i]know[/i] what's going on!?" "No, Madison, I dont. I dont fucking care. You know what I want? I want to go home and get some sleep, because I just burnt down the fuckin' countryside getting our asses out of a deal with death that [i]none[/i] of us were prepared for. You want to fight, that's fine, but for the love of god and all that is holy do it on your own time. I have stuck my neck out enough for one night." "Then go home," Madison nearly hissed. She wanted to explain it but she had a feeling that Kayla wasn't going to listen. "You are my ride home, Madison!" Kayla said, exasperated. "This is just another Babylon situation. We know where Molly lives, and we'll work it out, but not [i]now.[/i] Fighting each other is [i]not the way to do this.[/i] If Molly 2.0 is telling even a modicum of the truth, the [i]real[/i] Molly is going to die right here and now on the pavement." Kayla argued, crossing her arms. "Honestly, Madison? What is your plan here? How do you intend on extracting this entity from Molly's body? Or are you just going to rush in guns blazing [i]again[/i]? I can't bring people back from the dead, so I cant bail you out if you fuck it up." [i]Again[/i], she almost said, biting her tongue. Madison obviously was being emotional right now, and was handling sensitive subjects in knee-jerk, gut reactions. Kayla [i]got[/i] that, because she did that too. She was better about it now, but she had been there. She would probably be there again. "We're [i]all[/i] tired. You're not thinking. Take it from me, you dont want blood on your hands if you can help it." Jessica had watched the end of the fight against the hound, and the fight of Molly vs Madison in quiet. She couldn't help but feel a little out of place here, and she really couldn't bring herself to attack Molly's body, possessed or not. "Madison... fighting this thing is just going to kill Molly, Kayla's right. Let's call it quits for now and figure this out later. Killing Molly won't make any of us feel better." Jess sat on a bench with her knees pulled up besider her. She had an inner desire to work harder to stand on level with her fellow coven sisters, and now she had another goal. Getting that ugly fucking monster out of Molly. "Let's just leave. This was... a lot." Jessicas usual smile was nowhere to be detected on her face. She felt tired and powerless, and needed rest. The whole speeches from the two made her... think. She paused. Just floating in the air as not a word left her mouth... she turned towards Molly with her own jaw agape and just stared at her. The tears stopped, oddly enough, as the massive club that she materialized through the Jaws faded away. It... made her realize... she wasn't alone here. She was being selfish, oh, oh [i]so[/i] selflish. Madison wasn't acting like there were three other people with her the whole time. She was acting like she was doing all of this alone, yet getting the people she cared about hurt. She sighed. She fell from the sky onto her feet as she crossed her arms and didn't say another word. Madison had messed up and she had gotten these people who, like Kayla said, stuck their neck out for her and into danger. She closed her eyes as she turned away. Madison didn't say a word, because it was simply not her place to speak anymore. Molly remained still, holding her position as the two other girls began to talk Madison down from her rampage. Her eyes never leaving Madison to ensure that Madison didn't suddenly change her mind and strike while Molly dropped her guard. Though as the giant T-rex head faded and Madison came back down to ground level Molly let her Scythe deteriorate and was no longer wielding a weapon. "I believe you, Madison, misunderstand me, or my intentions." Molly began, her anger subsided and speaking casually. "I have no interest in causing Molly harm. Or letting her slip away. I took over her body to save her. Sure, I had a mild interest in seeing through the eyes of a mortal. But I don't like my toys being broken. Especially when they haven't reached their potential. I am tirelessly bored of this.." She was cut short, taking her gaze away from Madison and looking towards Kayla as she spoke. "Molly, or whatever the fuck your name is-" Kayla said, turning to what had once been their friend. "Shut the fuck up. [i]Please[/i]. You are not helping your case calling our friend a toy. I need, need, need you to understand that you are allowed to continue this on [i]our[/i] terms right now. I'm trying to stop Madison here..." she said, motioning to her friend with both hands, being as obvious as possible in her pitch to the entity that was more out of touch than her great grandfather had been before his death. "... From making a mistake. But we people, not toys, [i]people[/i], have a phrase called 'death with dignity', and if it means freeing Molly from the cage that you have her locked in, [b]I[/b] am okay with making that mistake. Again." she sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose in frustration. "We'll discuss the terms of your stay [i]later[/i]. You did technically save Molly's life, so I'm sure we can work out some sort of... I dont know, reward as a thanks? But you must understand that I do intent on talking to her again. Call it part of your experiment if you must. Grade school details obversation a necessary step." Kayla groaned, and took a long drink from her now half empty water bottle. She approached Madison, and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, it's gonna be okay. I want to talk to you about what happened tonight. Later. Not now." Jess nodded along with Kayla, half-heartedly. She didn't have the usual spunk, so wasn't nearly as talkative. Still she felt like she had to say something. "Look, we just care about Molly. We don't want you hurting her. I'm really uncomfortable having an apparition like you in her, but if you have to be her version of the Arc reactor, I guess that's how it's got to be. But if you do anything to hurt her. [i]I will fight you, and I will win."[/i] She grimmaced at the demon wearing her friend. Her channeler began glowing almost involuntary as her courage had begun to restore a bit. Molly groaned slightly as she was lectured on the terms of Humans and their weird fetishism with friendship, or whatever they called it. Though the pain still in her leg from the bite reminded her that she was currently outnumbered. And had no special gift to leave this place and into safety while stuck inside this body. So, Molly simply nodded in the direction of the two girls, in a manner of agreement to the current terms. Finally Madison spoke. "Let's go," She sharply said, before she pointed at "Molly" and hissed, "You're coming with us back to the Coven so we can figure this out. Try any shit and I [i]promise[/i] you - they [i]won't[/i] be able to stop me." Madison said as she got into Mollys face. "Fine. But I am getting an ice cream." Meat-Suit Molly retorted sharply. Before heading towards the entrance of the DQ, trying to hide the slight limp in each step. As she pushed herself through the double doors and headed to the counter she looked around, seeing no one in sight. "Hello..?" She called out curiously. Apparently they had all fled due to the commotion outside... fuck. Molly then returned outside to see the others still where they previously stood. "We need to leave. Everyone left and probably called the police 'cause of our fight." Molly stated casually as she hurriedly limped to the truck and practically threw herself into the back seat. Madison immediately flew her way into the drivers seat... realizing how stupid all of this was. And if Kayla or Jess weren't in the car at this point? She was leaving them. Jess got into the back seat of Madison's car and folded her arms. She was ready to get to her car and go home. She counted on her fingers how long she had til her next DND session, coming to the conclusion there were still 4 days to go. Oh well. She decided to lighten the mood a bit. She knew she was probably annoying the girls but it was better than silence. "So... you all sure you don't want to get into dnd? I'll teach. It could be fuuuun." She tried to sound natural, like she always did, but her tone came across as forced. However, there was one person who didn't flee... recording the whole fight with a cellphone out of notice.