
As the small group arrived back at the Coven Molly couldn't help but let her eyes drift across the casino. How is it that this place always looks more wrecked each time she came in. She sighed, dismissing the futile idea of maybe one day this place looking nice as she simply limped towards an unoccupied bench. She heavily plopped herself down on the pressed wood and groaned silently to herself. She considered for a moment, to listen in on what was being said. But ultimately found that all to be rather boring, even considering she heard the words FBI and gassed. Today was less than ideal for her first day in this new body and she was rather itching to get into a soft bed.

Molly simply closed her eyes and rested her head back against the wall behind the bench; simply resting there for a moment until it was all called to a close for the day and she could leave. She would leave this moment but felt that would only incur a fight with Madison and Jean Grey and she was in no shape for a third round this evening.