Haru couldn’t help but smile as she walked alongside her new husband, she was glad he was happy with the idea of her buying more vegetables. It just felt nice the idea of her being able to go out and make some purchases, perhaps even cook for them later on when back home. Though thinking on it she was a little embarrassed at the idea of cooking for him because a part of her doubted herself, what if she did a bad job? Worse what if she somehow poisoned him food? Thoughts swirling around as she walked with him, her self-confidence taking a bit of a dive. Thankfully they weren’t the centre of attention, not like at the wedding which had been awkward. Although she could feel the curious gaze on them walking, she knew it was miles better than when it had been all about them and being the centre of attention. Smiling as they approached the shopkeeper, she gave a small smile bowing and a little wave signalling her own hello. She had bought from Hiro before, often getting in supplies for her and her father, so she at least knew him somewhat at an acquaintance’s capacity. Glancing over Chunjiros shoulder she could see the contents of the baskets that held a various amount of vegetables inside, it began to make her think on what kind of vegetables she would purchase for later. Maybe she could make a nice lunch for them, after all his hard work and helping the village she was certain he’d want to enjoy a good meal. Chuckling softly at his introduction she smiled over at Chunjiro before nodding towards Hiro, [color=f6989d]“A-Ah o-of course he is, nothing but a... eh gentleman.”[/color] Even though she couldn’t help but laugh at his comment on him being a simple man as the reaction it spurred from Chunjiro was adorable. The way he would blush at the comments it made it hard to think that he was a Samurai because it felt like he was a big softie at heart. Not that she was complaining. [color=f6989d]“Of course, I will return! You better save me the best-looking vegetables.”[/color] Haru grinned giving a small wave before looking over at Chunjiro happily following along. Keeping pace with him she felt herself relax a little, settling into her new life was a bit strange at first but she was happy and that’s all that truly mattered. [color=f49ac2]“What are your favourite vegetables? I’d like to make something you will really enjoy later, to express my gratitude.”[/color] Finding her voice go a little high at the end as a tinge of pink graced her cheeks.