Max and the team took a seat, noting the rest of Python and making very brief introductions across the groups. An equally exotic team it appeared to Max, made up of the cream of GEARS operators hand-picked by Silver, as he listened in on the presentation. Listening in, Max paid attention to the fact that well, they were going back into a hot zone. Good thing he had Viper then, he thought to himself, as Silver continued- relating to the situation in play in Arbrentia. A lovely country, beautiful even, scarred by war and internal conflict. A dictatorship that proclaimed absolute power, which in reality didn't extend barely beyond the scarce parts of cities it held. A hellhole, and going in there was not an ideal by Max's standards.

As for dropping in, Max liked that. The use of GFDS packs on a GEAR was always an exiting prospect, one that Max was unashamedly proud of mastery in using. He had to admit, once you had one of those on, you weren't fucking around anymore. You were going into something very serious and that came with a piece of kit that asked the same requirement of the operator. Finding this target, whoever he was, would be of critical importance and Max knew that his recon team would be instrumental in doing so. While they weren't exactly a hammer compared to the other GEAR pilots, they were good at finding information and watching, waiting and observing, something that they could complete alongside the local resistance forces. Already, the lion was thinking of how to uttilise them or what loadouts to take, just running it in his head  for the moment being. Silver then finished, the lion sitting up in his seat as he chuckled.

"No pressure bailing out of an aircraft into a hellhole near the Badlands and trying to find a needle in a haystack. But then again, you have the right people onboard." Max replied, looking across to his fireteam, then to the others.

"Let me know if you have any specific requirements, Captain. I'll tool up the team for it as appropriate, as well as get a GFDS setup sorted for the Lion Rampant. We might want to think about how we'll drop the rest of the team- either with wingpacks or getting them prepped for a long-range patrol vehicle run. I'm sure you have that in mind, Sir."