[@Doc Doctor]

To an outside observer not currently engaged in fleeing for their life, the sequence of events they witnessed could only be described as cinematic. It all happened with such precision and grace that the security cam footage would go viral within minutes of being uploaded. 

At the sound of the westerner's pistol being drawn from its hidden holster, Najwa would lean into her initial step. Muscles grew taut along her calves and thighs while her 5.7 was pulled from its place at her side. Her thumb would disengage the safety mechanism on the firearm as her arm bent slightly, taking aim.

As the first scrape of fabric along the weapon's frame lit up her ears, Najwa was already airborne, if only for a moment. Propelled by the sudden surge in speed, she would fire her first shot through the passenger side window of the closest vehicle, out its rear windshield. The round would crash through the second vehicle's windshield at 2,050 ft/s, zip through its interior and blow the rear windshield out in hopes of striking the man in the abdomen, given the sidelong stance he was in the process of adopting near his vehicle. The sequence of leaning, drawing, aiming and firing all occurred in the single fluid motion of her partial leap.

Whether or not the man was able to fire his initial shot she'd never know; perhaps he had inhuman reflexes like her own. Momentum carried her into the front end of a luxury coupe. The vehicle lurched backwards. Its tires skid along the mauve cobblestones. Several flavors of car alarm blared as she fired two more rounds over the coupe's glass-strewn hood. The shots were meant to keep him suppressed as she relayed further information to the SWAG security detail over the throat mic.

"We've got an armed hostile outside the Lotus Incarnate! Engaging now. Double security on the delegation!"

Behind decent cover and with the element of concealment, Najwa's gaze turned to a nearby transluminum pole. Struck by inspiration at its reflective surface, she kept her head down and peered through the coupe's windshield at the pole nearest the assassin. With luck she'd use it to follow his movements in spite of the occasional prismatic hexagon.

Najwa kept calm and composed, making a mental note of her remaining 17 rounds. She called out to the man, ready for whatever he would respond with.