
Tom looked around the place that Brie had brought them to. God, this place really was depressing as fuck. He had never spent a lot of time in Brookside, and he was used to bars that were a lot less seedy and rundown. But they were about to find and intercept a mafia operation here, so he supposed that a seedy rundown bar matched the whole vibe of the operation. His job right now was to find and intercept a poker game... so he left the rest of the group behind and began scouting out where exactly this game could be. There were a couple of doors leading to back rooms, so he hung around for a little bit watching them. And, as luck would have it, after a couple of minutes he saw an overweight gentleman leave one of the rooms carrying a couple of poker chips. Bingo - this must be it. 

Tom walked up to the door, looking behind him for a moment to make sure he wasn't being watched. He saw Patricia walk up to a guy and turned back quickly, not wanting to watch Patricia's best attempts to be seductive. After around 10 seconds of plucking up the courage, he rapped his knuckle lightly on the door. Immediately, he heard frantic shuffling around inside the room, and the unmistakable sound of poker chips colliding with each other, before the door cracked open and a seedy looking man with a poorly groomed moustache poked his head around the door. The man was extremely brief, only greeting Tom with a short and simple [color=SlateGray]"Yeah?"[/color]

Tom cleared his throat before putting on the best gruff voice he could muster. [color=SteelBlue]"Hey, yeah, just got a message, they don't want people dealing the game for too long at a time, so I'm supposed to take over from you after this game."[/color] The man paused before speaking again. [color=SlateGray]"Why haven't I heard anything about this shit?"[/color]. Tom managed to think on his feet, replying. [color=SteelBlue]"Well, they think that certain players might be wearing a [i]wire.[/i]"[/color] He noiselessly mouthed the last word for added effect. This seemed to pacify the man who shrugged. [color=SlateGray]"Alright. I could damn well use a cigarette break."[/color] The door was then closed back up again. 

Satisfied, Tom went back to the bar and stood with Brie, and fairly close to Angie, who was chatting away to the bartender. However, Patricia soon arrived, looking frantic. The news that she gave them gave Tom mixed emotions. On one hand - he had just spent all that effort for basically nothing, which was annoying. On the other hand, Tom was not an expert at poker, and he genuinely didn't know whether he could have held his own dealing in hardened criminals without being found out in the span of around 10 minutes. He rubbed his chin, wincing slightly. 

[color=SteelBlue]"Ah, shit... That guy who was dealing the poker game is gonna be pissed when he comes out and I'm not here... but sitting in a meeting is easier than trying to deal poker to mobsters.[/color] He turned back to the bar and ordered a drink, more than prepared to wait. [color=SteelBlue]"We just have to go into the meeting as quick as we can, or that guy'll come out and see me."[/color]

[@canaryrose] [@Amethyst] [@Danvers]