[Hider=Atsushi Okumura | Suna Team 1][center] [hr] [color=maroon][H2]Okumura Atsushi[/h2][/color] [Img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/341983285/original.jpg[/img] [H3][color=maroon]14 | 奥村 淳| Genin[/color][/h3] [/center] [hr] [List][*]A young puppeteer, Atsushi comes from a very long line of puppet makers. He takes great pride in his puppets. He currently has two: Centipede, his favored puppet and his largest, and Hawk, a smaller bird-like puppet that he uses in conjunction with Centipede. [*]Often stays up late perfecting modifications in his puppets, and as a result he doesn't get much sleep. Someone get this boy a soft bed, a do not disturb sign and the softest pillows that money can buy. [*]Call him Sushi and you'll have a very angry puppeteer on your hands. [*]Tired team mom.[/list] [Indent][hider=Ooc notes][list] [*]Although a Guren candidate, he doesn't particularly buy into the shinobi superiority that they're selling. Joining the Guren is his misguided attempt at helping those who need to run to someone stronger. It's clear that non-shinobi need someone in charge who can keep the peace. If he needs to ally with the Guren to achieve that goal...well the means justify the ends. [*]Atsushi is very, very talented at using chakra strings and puppets. It became clear from a very young age that he had the aptitude for being able to use multiple puppets. [*]Built both of his puppets by himself. He does all of their modifications and thus, no one but him knows what they can do.[/list][/hider][/indent] [/hider]