

Blake fucking Schmidt. Basically the human version of Megamind, but the big head was just a metaphor. From what Lyss had heard about him (and read about him when she looked the guy up), he was just another big money man with no real criminal allegations against him. Well, none that could be traced back to him. The fact that he'd contacted the Coven to "gain" supernatural abilities wasn't out of the ordinary for men like him. Lyss certainly didn't peg him as the Batman type, but that was besides the point.

Lyss was highly aware of men like this. There were many Blind buyers in the market. Blake was just another millionaire that wanted a little more excitement in his life. Would he perhaps use his gained abilities for the wrong purpose? Would this backfire on the Coven, in any way? It was possible. And yet, the suitcase full of cash was [i]incredibly[/i] tempting. Lyss eyed it through her sunglasses as they stood in the elevator. She wasn't happy to be even meeting Blake, or even attempting to give him magical abilities... but the second she stepped out onto the [i]private[/i] rooftop bar she laid her eyes on Blake. The way he and his wife were dressed. The way they sat at the bar. It was like they owned Tampa. They screamed money.

If this went through, and the Coven didn't immediately regret their decision to "help" him, she might just be set for the rest of her life. Enough money to survive. Enough money to move as far away from Miami as possible. Maybe even enough to pay back her former partners if they ever caught up with her. While the morality of this situation was debatable, the reward was just too high. So, Lyss approached Blake the same way she approached any of her buyers from the market. Head held high, shoulders back and loose, and an air of skepticism. He'd need to sell himself pretty well, if the group was to go through with this. She shared Kayla's caution, there was no doubt about that. She'd just gone through enough of these deals to think that this wasn't that much of a problem.

Lyss took the seat between Kayla and Emily. She turned to the bartender and asked for a glass of top shelf whiskey on the rocks as she listened to Emily, Maya, and Blake banter. She sat back in her seat, but didn't slouch because she was a goddamn professional, and gave Blake a nod when her name was mentioned. [i]Second in command. Shoot me in the face.[/i] The bartender slid her glass over, Lyss nodded a thanks, and took a sip. The smooth liquor slid down her throat and warmed her belly. [i]Thank you, Mr. Schmidt.[/i]

Just when she thought that Kayla would start the meeting, she heard Maya speak up. She said what most of them were thinking, although Lyss would have said it in a much [i]subtle[/i] way. Lyss shot her a glance through her shades, but she turned her head back towards the man in an expensive polo. At least they would get their answers up front.

Lyss watched him closely as he spoke. If he lied, she would know. [i]Flaunting?[/i] The corners of her lips turned into a small frown. [i]Has everyone in Tampa seen that damn video from Greenwood?[/i] Better yet. Had anyone outside of Tampa seen it too? Which gave Lyss even more of a reason to need this deal to go through. Blake mentioned "enforcers" and Lyss immediately saw their way out of giving him powers while still getting paid. She glanced at Kayla and trusted her to see the better deal here.

[i]Yeah, but what other supernatural "organizations" are as batshit as we are?[/i] Certainly not the DENs. They'd deny all involvement.

Lyss suppressed a smile when Kayla denied Blake's magical gifting. Then she smirked when Kayla suggested to go the personal protection route. [i]Come on, Blake. Take the deal. How else will you protect yourself when your plans go awry?[/i] A demonstration of her own abilities would be... difficult. Which made her wonder if Blake had already gotten his hands dirty with apparitions and other magical beings? Paragon Lab Corps was a large business. With many buildings scattered across Tampa. Any one of them could be a secret hold of supernatural experiments. It also brought another question to mind. If he was as rich as the media made him to be, why hadn't he just gone to the black market for his needs? Why bother with the Coven at all? Was it because they appeared reckless? Did he think them desperate? [i]Lyss, you [b]are[/b] desperate.[/i]

Lyss took another sip of her whiskey. The commotion in the corner, by the Coven's one and only alcoholic, definitely didn't help their impression.

[b]"We don't need a contract for that, right?"[/b]

Lyss set her glass down and turned to face him. The terms were set. If Blake kept his word, they'd seal it in writing by Monday. Now, it was time to convince him that this was worth [i]his[/i] time too.

[color=D3D3D3]"Mr. Schmidt."[/color] [i]Schmidty.[/i] [color=D3D3D3]"I'd be happy to answer any questions you have related to the supernatural."[/color]

[color=D3D3D3]"There are many things that exist in this world that the blind cannot see. The Blind being, you and your wife or any non-magical being.[/color]

[color=D3D3D3]There are Blind that have been exposed to extra-normal elements and have gained the sight to see magic. We call them One-Eyes. One of them is among us today as a member of our group."[/color] She didn't bother to point Herik out. If Blake was curious, he'd ask. [color=D3D3D3]"Next, there are the Awakened. The Awakened were blind, but through a traumatic experience they have gained their abstraction. An abstraction is the term we've given to our abilities. Each abstraction is unique to the owner."[/color]

She gave Blake a moment to think as she took a sip of her whiskey, and then continued.

[color=D3D3D3]"Next, we have those known as Aberrations. They manifest when they have encountered an apparition- a spirit, as you'd call it. There are multiple types of Aberrations. The Afflicted are Blind who have encountered an apparition, whether a Casper or a foe, and have been given a blessing or a curse."[/color] She shook her head slightly. [color=D3D3D3]"I personally think that the gifts cannot be defined as either. It is up to the Aberration to decide if they have gained or lost by becoming a part of our world."[/color] She thought about Vashti for a second, and almost wished that the girl had been around to hear her say this. Then she thought of the scales on her arm. [color=D3D3D3]"All magic comes with a cost. It is what you do with it that defines you and your ability."[/color]

She eyed Blake and gave her words a moment of gravity. [i]How would you use your ability, Mr. Schmidt?[/i]

Then, she took a breath and continued on. [color=D3D3D3]"An affixed aberration have been bound to apparitions. The spirits rest within their bodies and can have symbiotic or parasitic relationships with their hosts."[/color] [i]Emily walks a fine line here.[/i] [color=D3D3D3]"The apparition can even manifest in person, like the spirit beside Emily."[/color]

[color=D3D3D3]"Next, there are Agents, Abscised, and Adjoined. Abcised are those who have been possessed by an apparition. Agents are Blind that have come in contact with an apparition that was sealed inside of an object. Adjoined are those Agents who have agreed to fuse with their spirits and become one."[/color] She briefly thought of those who'd bought objects like this from her group. Hand sealed and delivered by none other than herself. If Blake was smart, he'd just get an object like this himself. If he was willing to fork over a large amount of cash. [color=D3D3D3]"While purchasing a sealed object may seem like the easiest option, there is a danger to submitting yourself to magic in that way. There are legends about an apparition named The Outsider in our lore."[/color]

[color=D3D3D3]"The Outsider once appeared in our world a long time ago. It is an ancient apparition that threatened our world's very existence. It took many of our kind to seal it away. Many died doing so. The term Pandora's Box is a reference to the very [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/695142567095959592/711414064634396712/JRB-MCB004_CW_CO_WT_A.jpg]music box[/url] they trapped it within. If anyone were to ever find this box and open it, the world would surely be lost."[/color] She hoped that this little lesson would resonate with the man in front of her. She remembered hearing it from her grandmother when she was little. She remembered the fear that she felt thinking about such a spirit. Hopefully Blake felt it too.

She leant back in her chair, and decided to finish her little description of the Extra-Normal. [color=D3D3D3]"Lastly, there are the Adepts. Adepts are the oldest Extra-Normal beings. They descend from long lines of power and history. Magic was first given to them by beings from an alternate universe called Glint. Their magic is given to their children, and passed on down the bloodline. Their abstractions are unique to the Glint that gifted their blood. Each being from Glint had a specific type of lux: the lights that each are connected to and can harness. Each lux is connected to certain magical abilities based upon emotion."[/color]

[color=D3D3D3]"For example, a Red Lux experiences anger. With this anger, they are able to manipulate the elements. A Yellow Lux can create spells to shield or provide stealth. An Orange Lux can imbue objects with Extra-Normal energy as long as they are casting their spells. The list goes on, but I will continue if you'd like."[/color]

She took another sip of her whiskey now that she was done. [color=D3D3D3]"If you have any specific questions to ask me, now is your chance."[/color]