
With Kayla finally doing the talking, Emily decided to just be quiet. Now, while she would love to be front and center she had to swallow her pride and stop the games just this once. She wasn't the leader and she doesn't want to piss off Mr. Schmidt with any dishonesty. While Lyss explained the supernatural Emily noticed that Maya and Mrs. Schmidt were off mingling... Emily narrowed her eyes at Maya but she [i]honestly[/i] couldn't see the point in going over there and breaking it up. Long as she's not talking to Mr. Schmidt himself, Emily couldn't give two halves of a shit. Still, Lyss was [i]very[/i] well versed in the world of the supernatural, it was surprising given that Emily had [i]Babylon[/i], their ancient supernatural expert.

However, the demonstration that everyone was so [i]excited[/i] came as Izzy stepped to the plate. Emily was expecting the girl to do something small like maybe heal herself, or give herself a paper cut. Well, Emily wasn't [i]that[/i] off when Izzy gave Blake a paper cut and... Emily's eyes fucking shot open as she dropped the briefcase and it slammed against the ground audibly. Her eye twitched.

This slut... Izzy thought it was an [i]amazing[/i] idea to kiss his fucking hand. And not in a normal way, she just [i]had[/i] to make it all weird and sexual. Emily almost fucking had a stroke. In front of his wife, too?

Meanwhile, Blake was enjoying the little demonstration... he was confused at first, then he was interested, then he was [i]really[/i] interested. He smiled as he felt her tongue on his finger and... Oh! He was starting to get very dirty thoughts about this girl and her tongue. Blake was almost tempted to stroke her face but no, this was business... but business felt so [i]good[/i]. She explained how her apparition worked but it kinda went through one ear and out the other. He was focused on the fact that magic was real [i]and[/i] this beautiful young woman before him.

"... I'd love another demonstration," Blake chuckled.

However, when Phillis saw the demonstration her jaw dropped. How... how dare she? How dare him? She had reached a boiling point except the pot couldn't handle the heat. She was shaking in rage as Phillis watched the whole thing in horror... and all the accusations and rumors were starting to sound a lot more valid now. This little [i]bitch[/i] must have been one of his little whores - but the [i]audacity[/i] of this whore, to do it [i]right in front of her[/i]. Well, two can play at that game. A hand drifted towards Maya's hand as she looked at her with a smile.

"Yes..." Phillis started as she got up and it was revealed that her swimsuit was also a [i]thong[/i]. "... [i]That would be lovely.[/i]" She walked off to somewhere more private.

"Izzy," Emily seethed, "What the [i]fuck?[/i]"

"... Ms. Reed?" Blake asked.

"N-Nothing, sir!" Emily said in a singsong with a forced smile... her gaze was still sharp enough to kill a man as she walked over to Izzy and grabbed her by the forearm and practically [i]yanked[/i] her away from Blake. When they were a good distance, Emily just let her [i]have it[/i]. Dropping the little cheery secretary persona and adopting G. Reed at its ugliest.

"... Izumi, what in the [i]fuck[/i] were you thinking?!" Emily almost shouted as she balled her fists. "No, seriously, what the fuck is [i]wrong[/i] with you? I know you're a massive slut that can't control her ovaries for one fucking minute but you are fucking over the rest of the Coven! Blake's a pervert, these games are gonna make him think we're not the Coven but his God damn Harem."

And each word got louder and louder until Emily corrected herself and lowered her volume. She pulled her in close until their faces weren't that far apart as Emily whisper-yelled, "And in front of his [i]wife[/i]. Are you fucking[i] kidding me?[/i] I can't put into words how [i]stupid[/i] that was. You're lucky she didn't flip out the [i]second[/i] she saw your slut game and throw the deal out the window. And you would have fucked up something [i]real[/i] good."

Part of Emily wanted to slap Izzy but she looked around and saw that both Phillis and Maya were... gone. Shit. What probably happened is; Phillis saw everything and ran off pissed off and Maya is trying to comfort her. Except the latter was the worse case fucking scenario. The [i]last[/i] person that should be comforting someone is Maya. Emily slapped a hand on her forehead.

"... And now Phillis is gone," Emily was about to go look for her before she looked over her shoulder at Izzy. "Come with me and help me look for her so [i]maybe[/i] we can do some damage control."

Babylon was relatively quiet during the whole thing. Strangely quiet. There was something odd here... that smile was flat the second that Lyss mentioned the Outsider and her lips curved downwards at the mere mention of that [i]thing[/i]. Babylon looked at Emily and made sure that she was invisible to Mr. Schmidt as she turned to Lyss.

"... You should not have mentioned that" Babylon said, her voice was strangely flat and unemotional. Strange as she was usually a bit more... bombastic, Emily noted. "The Outsider that is."

However, Blake paid half attention to Lyss... he was more concerned with his new friend than her but he picked out bits and pieces. Something about the Blind, Apparitions, 40%... and the Hound. Now he sounded like a fellow that got Blake's interest. And apparently he gave her bloodline their powers![i] Interesting.[/i] Blake wondered if he could do something similar.

"The Hound sounds scary... but could he give me powers like that?" Blake was honestly curious. "... And how are these black lux powers? They sound certainly interesting! Do people [i]fear[/i] you for your abilities?" It was less of legitimate concern and more of a... power thing. Given the smile on Blake's face.


[quote=Vashti][color=darkcyan]“I’m really sorry but I must’ve misheard you, Madison. Could you repeat your question? And please, be specific. What [i]exactly [/i]do you mean?”[/color][/quote]

"Made-" Claudette tried to protest but Vashti put a finger up in her face and was insistent on going down this path. That would lead nowhere good.

"Drop it, sugar," Taylor finally spoke from the other side that was hoisting the girl up. She was listening to the entire time and honestly, she could tell that what Madison was saying was getting to Vashti. And that was the problem; why in the world was she taking drunken ramblings to heart like that?  Taylor was no stranger to parties and she knew when the drinks started pouring who [i]knows[/i] what was going to fly out of people's mouths? "She's so drunk right now she's about to pass out... and no offense but she's thick-" she unintentionally let that fly out of her mouth, Taylor meant to say something along the lines of "big", "-as fuck. She'll ring your bell if you fight her."

"Ya' need some hearin-" Madison slurred but she was [i]strangely[/i] silenced.

"That's enough!" Claudette raised her hand using her classic "sit down and shut up" maneuver that she used oh so many times in the Coven. A wave of darkness overcame the elevator and Taylor's gasp was silenced and it got a lot colder. Claudette was [i]hoping[/i] that it would calm down the two because she doubted that Vashti knew, but Madison was [i]dangerous[/i]. As in the Jaws was not something many members of the Coven would tangle with. And Claudette [i]really[/i] didn't want Madison drunkenly activating the Jaws in such a close environment - she was lucky that didn't already happen!

However she, and probably the others, noticed that the elevator stopped and she realized that she forgot something. Something really important and she felt [i]really[/i] stupid for forgetting it. The Darkness didn't suppress sound; it absorbed energy. And it absorbed the energy out of the elevator. When she dispelled the darkness, the elevator was dark and they were stuck in there.

"... The hell did you do, sugar?" Taylor shook her head as she was relatively calm about the situation... all she could feel was this giant drunk chick on her. 

"I... I'm so sorry!" Claudette said, "I made a mistake."

"No kidding," Taylor slid a cigarette between her lips and was about to light it but she had some courtesy. "Just do whatever magic mumbo jumbo you just did and bring it back."

"Oui, I'm afraid it's not that simple," Claudette said.

Taylor sighed.

"It never is, is it..."