
It was nice to be back in their shitty lair, lounging in a chair riding off the high of what had happened and well away from the angry, rich asshole. If Maya was honest that was absolutely not what she’d planned to do. She’d just gone along to mess things up a little, wind Emily up and listen to the bullshit deal that Blake offered. It wasn’t her fault that Phillis was insanely attractive and her tiny amount of flirting had worked.

She wasn’t exactly going to turn down [i]that[/i], deal be damned. It was a stupid deal anyway.

[quote=Taylor]"... So what you're saying is you banged her so good that she awakened from it? Sounds like bullshit, sugar."  [/quote]

“That’s exactly what happened,” Maya smirked, sipping on a can of pepsi she’d picked up from a convenience store on the way back to Fantasy land as if it was some kind of fancy drink. “I know it’s hard to believe when you weren’t there but… we went and slept together, and she came back awakened so there’s no other explanation.”

She then raised an eyebrow at what Babylon said, but nodded. “See, it’s happened before. But there was no blood and only a certain kind of screaming, if you get what I mean.” Maya winked. 

She knew she was being absolutely insufferable but if she was honest, she didn’t care. It had so long since she’d gotten laid and it had both been with fucking Blake Schmidt’s wife [i]and[/i] she’d awakened. Ok so maybe it had been an asshole move to fuck up the deal that Babylon rightly pointed out was going nowhere and it wasn’t in the spirit of teamplay (something Maya was pretending to get better at). But it wasn’t like she’d [i]planned[/i] to mess it up. It had just happened. 

But she also really didn’t care. 

[quote=Taylor]"How about we go to a strip club to blow off steam? I want to get as drunk as Madison was." [/quote]

She’d completely zoned out of the conversation, but the mention of drinking had her right back to paying attention.

“That sounds like a great idea,” Maya commented even though she knew Taylor was saying it sarcastically. “Unless we have anything else to do why shouldn’t we have a bit of fun together? After all, part of the reason we’re all together is companionship… right?”

And it sounded like a hell of a lot more fun than hanging around Fantasy Land or, even worse, going home to spend her Friday evening alone. Still, she could understand if people weren’t too fussed about the idea. Maybe she’d offer an incentive even if it meant kinda admitting fault. But anything to not have to deal with boredom.

“Since the deal not working out was mostly my fault, if we do go somewhere, drinks are on me.”