

After the unfortunate demise of the Coven's deal with Blake Schmidt, Lyss's stomach was still warm from the top notch whiskey. The group was splitting up. One to go to dinner, and one to go to a club for drinks. As much as Lyss worried that the girls going to the club would cause a scene if they were to drink, she had a feeling that going to dinner with the others would be a bore. If she was going to do anything with her free time, she would rather drink than sit and share pity stories. Her eyes followed Emily as she left Fantasy Land with the briefcase in tow, but she didn't feel like asking Emily what or who the money was really for. Lyss was just worried that Schmidt would want his money back. She already owed too much money to someone else. Why put her name on someone else's bounty list?

So, Lyss made sure to tell Maya that she would see them at the club before she made her way home. At her apartment, she ate some leftover chinese from the day before and dressed for the club. It had been a long while since she'd been to a club. In Miami, she used to frequent rooftop bars and the finest clubs in the city. It wasn't like she didn't have the clothes for it, but it was difficult to guess how a club in Tampa would look like. What was too much and what was too little? She tried on a few outfits before deciding on a [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/e5/1a/af/e51aaf230fa36153010cc66b619b08e0.jpg]body suit[/url] and black leather pants. On her feet she wore [url=https://www.spylovebuy.com/images/driver-lace-up-block-heel-ankle-boots-shoes-black-suede-style-p3378-21547_medium.jpg]black heels[/url] to finish off the look without being uncomfortable. She even put on some smokey eyeshadow, eyeliner, and finished the look with her favorite [url=https://f.herstylecode.com/2016/12/smokey-eye-makeup-ideas-4.jpg]dark red lipstick.[/url] She pulled her long, straight hair up into a sleek high [url=https://f.herstylecode.com/2016/12/smokey-eye-makeup-ideas-4.jpg]ponytail[/url] and felt satisfied with herself.

When it was time to meet the girls, Lyss downed a few shots of whiskey to make her stomach warm again before calling the uber. She arrived at the club to see a small line outside. [color=D3D3D3]"I am [i]not[/i] waiting in this."[/color] She muttered before she walked right up to the bouncer, flashed her prettiest smile, flirted a bit, and was immediately let inside. Inside it was thumping. She had to admit that the clubs in Tampa had some taste, but the smell of sex was in the air and it made Lyss uncomfortably thirsty.

She headed straight for the bar to quench it with another shot of whiskey before asking for a glass. She'd just turned around to look for her Coven girls when she heard Taylor's voice.

[b]"Hey, wassup, sugar!"[/b]

Lyss smirked and headed towards the girls.

[color=D3D3D3]"If you want some drinks, I can distract the bartender."[/color] She said as she walked up, her red lips grinning. [color=D3D3D3]"Let's drink, dance, and give these girls the cash they deserve!"[/color] She looked towards the closest stripper, and while she wasn't interested in the dancing girls in any sexual way, she loved to see other women embracing their bodies. She pulled a ten from her wallet and made sure that the woman got it before turning back to Maya and Taylor. [color=D3D3D3]"Who else is here?"[/color]