
Herik startled and looked at Vashti thinking there was something wrong only for her to be excited about pizza. That's good. He thought something was wrong. With all the Coven business lately he's happy to see someone happy about food. Not a lot of happiness going around with the members lately. 

[quote][color=darkcyan]“Sorry, what were you two talking about?”[/color]
	- Vashti

"Emily has something important to say. We can order the pizza if that's what you want when she's finished." He looked at her, giving his undivided attention. "Continue." It was odd to see Emily nervous and avoiding eye contact when she's one of the most confident members. It's nice to see her honest with how she's truly feeling for once, instead of being antagonistic. 

[quote]"The reason why I wanted it to go through was that I need money to help my sister...Let me just cut to the chase and say I'm sorry. For what it's worth."
	- Emily[/quote]

Herik smiled and patted her hand. "You're forgiven. I understand wanting to help family." He didn't know the situation, but if she needs the money he gets it. Whatever's going on must be difficult. "The reason I joined the Coven is to help my mother. She's in a coma and the doctor's can't explain why. I did a lot of research and found out about magic. I figure she's under for magical reasons and I want to help her get out of it. If you don't mind sharing, what does your sister need the money for? Maybe we can help you." The waitress came back for their food order. Herik ordered the mozzarella sticks, artichoke dip, and lobster pizza for Vashti and himself. He didn't know want Emily wanted, but there's plenty to share.