
[Color=7CAD58]Time:[/color] Sunset
[Color=7CAD58]Location:[/color] Ember Grove University
[Color=7CAD58]Interaction:[/color] [@FunnyGuy] Alexander


Did he owe her now? In Maeve’s eyes this would make them even as he was kind enough to give her the advice to leave when she did in order to avoid whatever was about to happen in that library. She didn’t say this out loud, however, as he decided to give her another tip. As he spoke of the wine and how if one drank it and died they’d be born anew, her heart dropped a little. She realized immediately what he had done and it made her a little sick, but she didn’t show it. Instead she kept up her playful persona. [color=7cad58]”I thought the wine tasted a little salty.”[/color] She said with a small laugh as she began to leave the University and head towards Alexander’s home. [color=7cad58]”That’s quite a clever trick, quite impressive. I suppose it’s a good thing I always take precautions when leaving my house to protect me from death.”[/color] She sighed and then smirked at him a bit. [color=7cad58]”Because I don’t think I’m quite ready to become one of Dracula’s brides.”[/color] It was a cheeky, teasing remark, but it held the truth.

Drake had come to her in the past, wanting her to be a part of his clan, but she’d refused as she had responsibilities to her coven. Besides she wasn’t quite bored with casting magic even though she’d been doing so for over 1000 years. [color=7cad58]”Perhaps one day when I tire of this life I’d like to try something new, but for now I have far too many responsibilities which I’m sure you understand.”[/color] She’d be lying if she said she hadn’t considered what it would be like to be a vampire for a brief moment. It certainly would be something new and exciting, but that was also the problem. It would be something new. She’d become so familiar with magic and mastering it that it was a comfort, a safety blanket for her. She wasn’t sure what she’d do without it. The thought actually frightened her a bit.