
[quote=Lyss][color=D3D3D3]"Maya, Madison, knock 'em out for me."[/color][/quote]

Part of Madison wanted to snark about Lyss not wanting to be the leader and yet she was acting like it. Still, they had to take out these freaks to save the girls. Maya was quick to sound blast the naked one... which sucked because she wanted to take that guy out. Her ears were ringing from the blast and, really, really would have liked some warning. She rolled her eyes as she focused on the other goon and charged him. She grabbed onto him and pinned him up against the wall. If she remembered them from way earlier, they were nowhere [i]near as strong as her[/i].

"Hey, get off me," Jordan said. "Bitch!"

James was sent flying across the room by Maya's sound blast and he slammed against the wall. Fortunately, the blood he just consumed made him a bit stronger. A lot stronger. And it had the side effect of putting him on [i]hard[/i]. He growled as he transformed... his arms lengthened, growing wings, as he was covered in fur. He grew razor-sharp claws as his face transformed to that of a bat. He also had a weird bat penis. He growled as he lunged at Maya with his claws outstretched and bringing that weird penis closer to her.

Frederick looked at Lyss and had an eloquent response to her demands,

"... Fuck you, dyke!" 

Frederick looked at the one bitch that was cutting them free and his blood boiled. He quickly reached behind him and pulled his pistol out of his waistband and pointed it at Alyssa. "Hands in the air, bitch!"

"Okay," Taylor said with a wry grin on her face.... as she created a round flaming barrier in between the two. The barrier was fortunate enough to provide them protection... however the alarm went off and the room was doused in water. It seems that, in her buzzed logic, she forgot about the alarm. ".... [i]Shit.[/i]" She was soaked and her abstraction was now [i]useless.[/i]

Frederick pulled out his phone as he quickly called Pa with the pistol drawn at them, "Pa! We need backup!" He shouted as he looked at Izzy and threw a kick directly towards her face. Not gonna let that bitch ruin this. He pulled the trigger and... it just clicked. He forgot he sold his bullets.

"... I think we need backup," Taylor muttered towards Lyss, realizing that this would be a bit of a bitch.


[quote=Vashti][color=darkcyan]“Not to sound cheesy, but isn’t that the point of the Coven? To help out one another in a time of need?”[/color][/quote]

Emily coughed.

"... Some of the people here are under the impression it's a social club for lonely lesbians."

And yet again she was failing at this [i]nicer[/i] thing. She shrugged. It was true in her eyes, but that wasn't the point. Vashti brought up something that she tried before.

[quote=Vashti][color=darkcyan]“I’m sure there’s something we can do! I’m not going to pretend like I know a lot about this stuff but what if we tried to track down the Apparition and use it to find a way to reverse your sister’s curse. Like creating an antivenom from the snake that bit you, you know?”[/color][/quote]

Emily sighed.

"I tried to look for it," Emily shrugged as she finally took a seat. She didn't even look at Vashti (not out of disrespect), but her idea wasn't entirely unfounded. "It's like looking for a needle in a haystack... I've been hunting for every Apparition that I can find, and yet none of them are [i]useful[/i]. I just seal them and toss them away." Out of boredom, she grabbed a bunch of ware rolled up in a tissue. 

She shrugged,

"It's some tick apparition, didn't ever catch its name...."

[quote=Herik] "Ah ha!" He got it. "There's a type of Adept, correct. One that deals with curses. The blue one. I don't think anyone in the Coven has blue, but we could find someone that does, right?"[/quote]

"Yeah," Emily just affirmed as she shrugged. She focused on Herik's forehead as she responded. "Those are hard to come by, unfortunately." If she knew where one was, she would have found one already.

[quote=Herik]"Kimberly Walton was in contact with the Coven when Agatha was leader. If we can find her she might know something that can help the both of us."[/quote] 

Emily had heard bits and pieces about Kimberly... not really anything that interested her. However, she could only chuckle at the fact that Herik thinks that some loon with a camera could help them. If she and Agatha were in cahoots with each other (behind everyone's [i]backs[/i] apparently); this Kimberly was probably just as competent as [i]Agatha[/i] was. 

"... This is the first time I heard about this," Emily had a bit of bitterness in her voice about this arrangement. Did Kayla know? Did Kayla even [i]care?[/i] "She's a celebrity, do you think she's legit? And if she is, she won't just be using my sister to boost her own fame...."