
"[color=#FFD700]Man, I need to get it together.[/color]"
[sub]Veni Vedi Veni[/sub][/center]
[indent] Quinn was late again but this time the whole thing was happening right in front of her and she just zoned out like an idiot. She shook her head and was immediately greeted with some vampires, sacrifices- You know the gist. She blinked to try and snap herself out of being drunk, slapping both cheeks as she readied herself. Summoning would help but it would bring so much attention and she probably did not have enough time to summon anyway. Everyone was doing something and she wanted to help, as much as she thought highly of herself she never actually wanted anyone to get hurt.

But as soon as she actually took a step, a strong force pushed her in the chest it was like if the ocean crashed right on her chest. She had felt this before... Maya. It dazed her and made her vomit in her mouth a little since she was definitely still drunk. She held her head and swallowed the vomit and wretched at the taste of it, she really needed to fix her diet of just mostly Ramen noodles and Mcdonalds. She stumbled around and could barely make out what everyone was saying but the looks of the bad guys were clear as day. Big vampire dudes... The same as- Oh; She really is drunk. 

She looked around, anything she could find, anything would help- Okay maybe not that. A pair of fuzzy hand cuffs. She hesitated before picking it up, it smelled bad, [i]real bad.[/i] She ran in and was literally about to smack the big one with the cuffs like a nunchuck but before she could even raise it up, another sound wave hit and since she was closer this time she flew a few feet into a wall. Her back slammed hard and this time she could could not keep her vomit in place. She spewed right on the ground she was prone on. She shook her head and struggled to stand, at least throwing up lowered her drunkenness by a bit.

She stood up, wiping her mouth as she readied herself. Izzy started screaming and she could just make it out, either way she was about to do some pretty rough self-sacrifice with all that talk and Quinn was not having that, no one is dying or getting hurt tonight. She stumbled towards Izzy and said, "[color=#FFD700]Got your back... Go... Go get 'em.[/color]" Her ears were ringing and her legs were shaky, she could punch but she is not sure if she could run without needing help.

She tried to steady herself but she was ready for anything thrown at her.
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