[hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=FFD9E9]Allison Andrews[/color] and [color=ED455F]Sara Grey[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1][center][img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/j52G0NC9nSGS2r3xee/giphy.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][color=FFD9E9][b]Location:[/b][/color] The Reception [color=Ed455F][b]Skills:[/b][/color] N/A[/center][hr] Things took an interesting turn as Allison debated the cards she was given. They were all funny in different ways. She liked Sara's and she liked Neil's. Thor's was ok and Mira's was all right. This wasn't a game of hurt feelings, though they were trying to cheer up Thor. He looked to be doing fine now though, perhaps he just needed a friend to check on him? As Allison was about to make her choice, she heard shouting coming from behind her. She turned to see Guin yelling at someone. Neil filled in the blanks. Sara looked over and saw Guin, along with a few others, go follow her towards someone she couldn't see, but even then she could see it was not a good situation. Things were about to get interesting. So far this wedding had been drama free so obviously something had to happen. [color=ED455F]"Yeah, we may want to break that up before things start flying. Lots of metal around here and I don't think Guin or Pietro deserve any of that today."[/color] Sara set her cards down, stood up, and walked over. Allison nodded and followed suit. Was this a bridesmaids job? Taking care of unwanted guests? She didn't think so but either way Magneto was bad news. She didn't want Guin freaking out on a day that should be about her. Allison met the rest of them. She fought Magneto before, she would do so again. She couldn't quite tell who it was, but surely if Guin was acting this tense, it had to be Magneto. Even Pietro was jumping to her defense. [color=ED455F]"We'll make him leave if you want,"[/color] Sara said to Guin, though she was sure Guin could handle him. Allison did not want to fight and was not prepared to. Would he start something? It was his son's wedding, so she could see why he wanted to show up, but at the same time Guin was there, as well as the other X-men, and there was too much bad blood for things to just be swept under the rug and forgotten. She still remembered the time in Wanda's alternate world. How she felt knowing the truth. Sara cracked her knuckles. She could match up with him if need be. Copy his powers and use them against him maybe?