[center][hr][hr][img]https://i.postimg.cc/W3Gm1YQH/Screen-Shot-2020-05-14-at-8-27-43-PM.png[/img][hr][@Morose][@Nallore][@FantasyChic][@KazAlkemi][@Framing A Moose][@Natsu][hr][/center] Lance shrugged slightly at Carolina's question, [color=yellow]"I mean Guin's the one who always got into trouble. Her first day in public school she managed to get herself a detention in about 5 minutes, so that's something,"[/color] he responded to her, before his attention was drawn away by what was going on. [color=yellow]"And to think that we all thought we'd probably get one day without problems or anything, that's fun,"[/color] he commented, walking over towards Guin a bit. Mary perked up somewhat hearing the chaos that seemed to be ensuing relating to the whole Magneto might have shown up to crash the wedding thing. [color=007236]"Of course he's going to make an appearance, what sort of lives do we have if there wasn't essentially one moment where Magneto didn't really decide to show his face, nope. That would be way too simple and the world wouldn't be laughing at us..."[/color] Mary muttered as she turned to look in the direction of the chaos. [color=8493ca]"Yeah, putting the game on hold since we have to deal with someone whose uninvited..."[/color] Mira said softly to the others, setting her cards face down as she stood up from the table, glancing over at what was going on. This wasn't going to be an easy thing to deal with, at all. Then again, she supposed that Magneto was pretty dumb to show up here, since you had the entire Avengers roster as well as the X-Men, so why would he decide that he could just show up like that was beyond her. [color=AC42B2]"To be fair I didn't bring him along, pretty sure he followed me,"[/color] a voice spoke up from somewhere near where Tony and Rhodey were, and it seemed to be coming from a table. Tony glanced around the area by him, before he eventually just spoke up, glancing over at a seemingly empty chair, [color=f7941d]"Does that really surprise you Mandy?"[/color] [color=AC42B2]"No it doesn't,"[/color] her voice said before she appeared sitting in a chair with a glass of wine in her hand, [color=AC42B2]"I mean it is sort of what he does a little bit isn't it?"[/color] [color=f7941d]"Just a little bit."[/color] [color=AC42B2]"Yeah well I still didn't expect him to see about tagging along Tony!"[/color] Lance was a bit confused as to what was going on with Tony and the random woman who popped up, but that didn't really matter since most of the normal people around couldn't actually see too well to notice who it was that was the shadowy figure in the darkness. Instead of doing nothing, a ball of light appeared in his hand and he flicked it in that direction, and soon everyone would be able to see that it was indeed Magneto who was there. Wanda stared at the shadowy figure, her expression hardening. She still loved her father - yet she could see his character more clearly now than before. He was proud, a champion of mutant kind, a leader; he was cruel, an abusive parent, a villain. He never really cared for her or her siblings - he only wanted to use them to further his own goals. She felt now that if asked to pick between a world ruled by mutants and the lives of her and her brother, he would not hesitate to favor the former. [color=red]"If you came here for a fight, I won't hold back... [i]Father[/i]."[/color] [color=7ea7d8]"I'm with Wanda on this one, get out of here,"[/color] Pierto spoke up somewhat, though to Guin at the least would notice that he was kind of panicking and likely was working hard to keep his voice steady. [color=FF5733]"Oh please, there is no need for that. I am not here for fighting. Can't I just come to my own son's wedding?"[/color] Magneto said simply as he walked calmly towards the group. [color=7ea7d8]"...I mean you kind of have never cared in the past so yeah, bit surprising,"[/color] Pietro muttered under his breath to Guin.