[center][h3][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/694696263320469506/714938786810691634/Kanati.png[/img][/h3] [sub][b]Location || Watervale || Time || Evening || Interactions || None ||[/b][/sub][/center][hr] The Hunter had taken note of where the others were going, albeit from a distance. Deciding to take a double fronted assault, he decided to go through the more frontal entrance, as there'd surely be less focus there with the attack coming from within. Thus, he dodged the searching eyes of the few that remained on one of the mansion's four watchtowers. This place was like a prison, opposed to a comfortable living quarters. Perhaps that is what the man was compensating for. Well, if the night was successful, Gugliano would get what he wanted. Kanati scaled up the bricks with agility much unexpected of a man his size. Once near the top, he peered at the duo of men occupying the tower from between the bars of the walkway. They both seemed to be near a control panel of sorts, possibly receiving directions from inside at the moment. Holding with one hand, he pulled one of his taser arrows from its place and hopped up. Creeping around to the doorway, he knocked once on the ground. With a palm to the ground, he could feel their footsteps shifting on the ground. One was closer than the other, and he timed it in his head. Standing up, he caught the first watchman before he could fire the first shot by tripping and slamming him to the ground with one hand. With the other, he threw the taser arrow with just enough force to stick to his armor. The shock incapacitaed that one, and he planted a foot on the first one's back. Preventing him from warning anyone else, his other foot contacted the side of his temple to knock him out. With the duo quickly taken care of, he pushed the other body inside of the enclosed area, atop the trap door leading down. While not the most tech savvy, he was able to determine through their intercom system, that there was an explosion below. Somewhat unsurprised, given the presence of Quake and Firebird, Buck retrieved his arrow; stepping back outside quickly. Using the new blind spot in the exterior defenses to his advantage, he hopped over the railing to the inside of the mansion's premises. ~~~ Several unconscious guards later, he managed to get inside of the building. This place seemed to be in something of a frenzy, with many footsteps and gunshots that his hearing could pick up, as expected from the intrusion. While his first impluse would have been to follow them to the action, he wanted to make sure that none of his allies were still here. Among his exploration, though, he caught sight of a drop of blood on the floor. Heading down the hall, Buck touched it and put his fingers to his nose. There was an odd humidity to the scent. An abnormal level of water, reminiscent to a lake; William was here. The blood obviously wouldn't be a good sign. However, with being able to lock onto his scent, the hunter could follow the trail to him. Walking down the hall, the smell seemed to be leading towards the sounds of conflict. Hopefully, those who were here didn't fare too badly.