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[center][b][u][h2]The Nameless Patron[/h2][/u][/b][/center]



A mystery is not that which is unknown, but that which defies knowing. For, how can anyone know something is a mystery if they have not sought to find or explain it, and failed? And what, then, is a mystery that can never be solved? Certainly, not one worth worrying about. Unanswerable questions, unexplainable phenomenon, these are the lesser mysteries in the world, for they have been and always will be. Rather, the greatest mysteries are those which are surmountable, but resistant. Among these high mysteries are conspiracies, plots, vanishings, and some of the very secrets of the world.



There are powerful gods in the world, ones who hold sway over the skies and tides themselves.  They determine the fates of civilizations, determine the very direction of history.  There are also lesser gods.  They are not often spoken of, though some might prefer that.  For they are small, and the few things they reign over all the more precious for it.  The Nameless Patron is not the god of any great concept, but of a group, an idea, and a lifestyle.  The Patron is the god of Explorers.  They are those that seek the unknown, and in doing so venture further than any that have come before them.  Whether they venture into the most dangerous of lands, or seek the most coveted knowledge, at great expense and self sacrifice explorers uncover mysteries and revel in the challenge of doing so.  The Patron both aids these courageous few, and sets obstacles before them.  After all, there is a world to discover, and it is one that will pull no punches.  Only the greatest of Explorers are fit for the task.


[center][b]The Labyrinth of Worlds[/b][/center]

The Labyrinth of Worlds.  It is a dark forest, an endless desert, an underground maze, a mountain peak, or even the depths of the sea.  The Patron’s realm is a shifting one, a place where no conditions can be anticipated, and no preparations can be made.  For mortals, it is a challenge beyond any other.  For gods?  An annoying vanity project.  Regardless of what it might be, the Labyrinth obeys only a single master.  The Patron alone can still the realm, even bring order to it.  Of course, that isn’t to say she would.


Impolite, unhelpful, sarcastic, crude, these are all things often said of the Nameless Patron.  While these and other phrases fail to paint the full picture of the Patron’s personality, they certainly aren’t unfounded.  The Patron is at times all these things.  Most often, she is these things when dealing with those apart from her ‘chosen’ as it were.  Her dedication and love for those who count themselves as Explorers is absolute, unquestionable, and quite apart from her disdain towards everyone else.

As to why she seems to regard both other mortals, and her peers, as less than those she embodies, that is a trickier question.  In part it might be ideological differences, the Patron certainly holds opinions unpopular among the ranks of gods, but that would only be in part.  The Patron, if asked, might well admit that she sees herself as a ‘better’ manifestation of the lifeblood.  She might say that the gods who embody concepts or primordial forces are too impersonal to be relevant, if she were asked.

As to whether the Patron [i]is[/i] a new sort of god, well that stands as a matter of debate.  She certainly thinks she is.


[center][b]Base Form:[/b][/center]

The Nameless Patron’s most basic form is that of a Human woman.  Black hair, green eyes, and a deep olive skin define her appearance in this state.  In this state she tends to don extravagant dresses, often ones which are constructed from basic elements or ideas as if to show off her divinity.

[center][b]Domain Form:[/b][/center] 

The Nameless Patron’s most domain form can best be described as a presence.  In this form she is entirely incorporeal, and yet hardly stealthy.  Any god, and more than a few mortals, would be more than capable of discerning her presence even if she were to attempt to remain inconspicuous in such a form.  Her presence can be keenly felt, and is often described as weight and unease.


The Patron’s avatar is, quite simply, It.  It is a peculiar mist that roams the unseen, forgotten, or neglected regions of the world.  It exists both to aid, and hinder, the explorers of the world.
