[color=7ea7d8]"We could always use student mentors to help teach others how to skate! If cost is an issue, agreeing to do that will lower what you'd have to pay significantly--"[/color]

The girl wouldn't stop. Jory felt a headache coming on, only further deteriorating her mood. 

[color=25f59e]"I really can't. [i]Any[/i] cost is an issue, and not the only issue. I don't have the time."[/color]

[color=7ea7d8]"All our sessions are optional, you could drop by any time that works to have a bit of fun!"[/color]


Jory's expression darkened further, her gaze snapping to meet the girl's.

[color=25f59e]"I practice with professionals for hours nearly every night of the week. I don't have--nor want to have--the time to waste on a school club,"[/color] she said. [color=25f59e]"Leave me alone."[/color]

There, couldn't be any more clear.

[color=7ea7d8]"Are you sure? You could view it as more practice time then--"[/color] 

Oh my god.

[color=25f59e]"I said [i]fuck off.[/i]"[/color]

Well, that was arguably even clearer.

The girl's bright expression finally clouded some. Though she had just met the brunette a minute ago, Jory found anything but a beaming smile unnatural on her face, even if that smile had been grating her nerves. 

Jory's cheeks immediately began to burn. Not wanting to be in the situation she had created a second longer, she mumbled an apology, turned on her heels, and legged it.

The redhead found herself entering the community kitchen. Not really on purpose, it had just been where her steps had taken her while she had just been trying to get [i]away[/i].

During her escape, the heat of embarrassment relented and was partially replaced with frustration and anger at the other girl. Why had she kept pushing when, from the beginning, it should have been obvious to anyone with eyes and/or ears that Jory hadn't been interested? She had been cornered into either giving in to the pestering or acting the villain. And giving in was never a viable option.

Well... there had [i]probably[/i] maybe likely been more than just those two choices available. Still, it was definitely completely the recruiter's fault. Even if Jory could have been... less of a bitch.

The anger was flaring up again, this time directed more towards herself. The girl bit her lip, aware she'd now be pushing herself until she retched during her practice later tonight.

Thankfully, she was distracted from the thoughts.

[color=008aff]"So... rough start to the morning, huh?"[/color]

Jory's expression relaxed a bit as she looked up, uncertain if she was even the one being spoken to. She blinked, needing a moment to take in the sight of the large man. So he [i]was[/i] talking to her. People really were too friendly here.

She went to open her mouth to express this sentiment but stopped herself.

Sure, she wouldn't ever have time to spend with any new friends she might make, but that didn't mean she had to purposely burn every possible bridge in such a hurry. She was capable of being nice. [i]She was.[/i]

[color=25f59e]"Something like that. Why, you care?"[/color] Hm. It came out much less friendly than she had intended. It probably didn't help that she was still glaring by default.

Jory sighed at herself and rubbed her eyes, making the effort to soften her expression. [color=25f59e]"Sorry,"[/color] she offered, this time managing to sound less like she was looking to start a fight. She glanced between the other student's plate and his imposing build. 

[color=25f59e]"Are you a..."[/color] she paused another second, realizing that asking him if he was an American football player would be a bit out of place here. [color=25f59e]"You a rugby player or something?"[/color] There we go, that was the stereotypical beefcake sport this side of the planet. That was plenty friendly, right? 
