[quote=@Count Numbers]"For want of a sail, the shoe was lost... Chin up, old horse." [/quote]

"You look like I kicked your stupid beetle," observed Ailee. There's no followup. No comforting words, no condolences. She just drops you unceremoniously on the deck, ended her conflagration of arcane energies, and immediately started doing cooldown stretches and breathing exercises. Urgh! People are [i]heavy![/i]

It must be emphasized again that Ailee is not annoyed at the idea of having to get wet, or cramped, or exhausted, so the idea of going spelunking does not impact her in the slightest. On the contrary, she's almost looking forward to it - nothing worth doing ever got done without hard work after all. The vice mouse has many horrible cosmic flaws bound to her soul, but sloth is not one of them. "You reckon you can fit your train down there?" she asked Coleman - an innocent might read that as idle concern, the wise would recognize the implicit question of 'do you need me to blow up that tower?'