💀 Mafioso Mansion - Underground Warehouse.
💀 Mafioso Mansion - Underground Tunnel.

💀 Evening.

💀 [@canaryrose]
💀 [@Danvers]
💀 [@Jumbus]

Azhar’s slender tail limply hung down the length of his legs, its tip brushing against the cold floor beneath. An appendage that had previously moved in tune with the mutant’s excitement. Often described as having a life of its own, the boy’s tail was quite a perfect indicator of his emotional state, much to Zee’s embarrassment. Inhaling a deep breath, Azhar shifted his attention towards the vast interior of their surroundings. Blake had run through a door in the distance, alongside Joseph. Taking a step forward, the monstrous teen halted his stride. Was he going to help them, further? A once active bracelet lulling his powers to sleep was now broken, rendering Azhar unable to regulate the lethality of his abilities. 

It would be a lie to claim that the bracelet’s absence didn’t afford comfort. Towards the end of its service, the trinket was choking Azhar, as if robbing him of air. A metaphor, of sorts, but one that adequately described the discomfort accompanying its embrace around his slim forearm. 

With those black orbs fixed on a pathway previously burst open, Zee’s thoughts spiraled within his mind. He was in no shape to help anyone, least of all himself. The mutant could barely distinguish left from right, and found himself scarcely registering those circling him. Jamie, Brie, and this newly arrived individual, Doppel. [color=254f28]"I just..,"[/color] Azhar tried, [color=254f28]"I need some air, I think..,"[/color] he managed. The others were worried for him, clearly, and none of them knew what had transpired only moments prior. Despite its short duration, a massacre had taken place. An atrocity none would be able to identify. Echoing the lack of cadavers, each article of clothing was missing DNA. Every organic molecule had been erased, but for Azhar, he was standing in a mass grave. 

Clenching his teeth, the boy turned his attention towards an exit that appeared far more attractive by the second. [i]’It’ll be alright’,[/i] Zee noted, a statement afforded by Jamie. Perhaps thanks to Joseph, it would be. Hopefully, he was doing well alongside Blake. However, the sounds of combat echoing from the mansion, a warcry seeping into the warehouse spoke of dangerous aggression. Uncomfortably, Azhar’s body stiffened, the mellow sway of his tail coming to a halt. If he used his powers again, he could lose himself to the sensation, a second time, and there was no telling if he’d be able to climb down from that high without one of Joseph’s runes. No, they would need to manage the situation without him. Azhar had read the file on this Mafia Family, a mandatory section of information that was distributed amongst HERO’s active employees. Vinnie Gugliano was, from what Azhar had gathered, a beast. Regeneration and physical capabilities, each one of a high tier. The others likely displayed difficulties when combating this specific power-set. Either way, they would need to pull through. They had to. At the moment, Zee was far more afraid of himself than any villain Castleburg had to offer. Where the young monster kept speaking of how he desired reliable companions on fields of battle, he most certainly didn’t live up to those requirements. Not now. 

Shutting his eyes, the deathly creature expressed another sigh before starting towards the tunnel. Azhar never indulged in alcohol the way Joseph did, but taking a page from that man’s addictive habits did not appear all too ridiculous following transpired events. Making sure to avoid stepping on any of the scattered fabric spread across the now silent, empty warehouse, Zee slipped into the moonshine room where Blake had left an additional small group of cadavers. Again, Azhar clenched his sharp teeth. [color=254f28]"We’re the fucking Heroes..?"[/color] he mumbled to himself as the boy continued into the darkness of an underground tunnel. Tears were still fighting against the mutant’s composure, eventually winning the bout with droplets repeating their ceaseless stride down Azhar’s cheeks. He needed to vacate the warehouse, and that ladder would make itself known, eventually.