[hider=Nobu][list][*][u][b]Name[/b][/u]: Oda Nobunaga, Demon King of the Sixth Heaven, Fool of Owari
[*][u][b]Class[/b][/u]: Archer
[*][u][b]Appearance[/b][/u]: [img]https://i.imgur.com/P5UqfZ8.jpg[/img]
[*][u][b]Personality[/b][/u]: Haughty and self-confident, Nobunaga is soft to those she likes (but no less egotistical), indifferent to people of no interest or use to her, and cold and ruthless to anyone she hates or that happens to get in the way. Ultimately a conflicting person to be around due to these extremes, being prone to thoroughly destroying opposition and quashing dissent... but also not minding too much about her eventual defeat. Fond of new ideas and innovation, yet particularly into one noh play and a fan of tea ceremony.
[list][*][u]Strength[/u]: C
[*][u]Endurance[/u]: B
[*][u]Agility[/u]: C
[*][u]Mana[/u]: B
[*][u]Luck[/u]: B
[*][u]Noble Phantasm[/u]: E-EX [/list]
[*][u][b]Class Skills[/b][/u]:[list][*][u][i]Independent Action:[/i][/u] B. It is possible for a Servant to stay in the world for two days without a Master. Useful for scouting.
[*][u][i]Magic Resistance:[/i][/u] B. Cancels spells below three verses, and even with High Thaumaturgy it would be difficult for her to be affected. Really, it's entirely unsurprising for Nobunaga to be so resilient.[/list]
[*][u][b]Personal Skills[/b][/u]:[list][*][u][i]Charisma:[/i][/u] B-. Sufficient to lead a kingdom, but uneven in its effect. In her own lifetime, Nobunaga was famously odd and rude and this can only be expected.
[*][u][i]Demon King:[/i][/u] A. A skill similar to Innocent Monster but due to Nobunaga's embracing of the title, she still has control over its effects. Mostly this would be restricted to visual changes, as she's already demonic enough in attitude. If nothing else, it seems to reflexively lead to coloured hair and fire when pushing herself.
[*][u][i]Strategy:[/i][/u] B. The ability to perceive the large scale of things, such as diplomacy and logistics, and ensure victory before the battle has even begun. Even though the Battle of Okehazama turned strategic defeat into a tactical victory, it was an unusual fluke on her part.
[*][u][i]Unifying the Nation by Force:[/i][/u] A. A unique skill imposing the new upon the old, it grants a boost to Nobunaga's parameters and skills when fighting against opponents with high Divinity or mystery, or staunch guardians of tradition. On the flip side, she actually finds herself weakened against modern Servants. Without other considerations, it likely changes nothing against her contemporaries.[/list]
[*][u][b]Noble Phantasm(s)[/b][/u]:
[list][*][u]Name[/u]: Three Thousand Worlds: Three Line Formation 
[*][u]Rank[/u]: E-A
[*][u]Type[/u]: Anti-Army
[*][u]Effects[/u]: Recreating Nobunaga's tactics at the Battle of Nagashino, she brings to bear 3,000 matchlocks to fire volleys ta her demand. On top of the bonuses from her skills, it receives an additional bonus against targets with Riding due to its destruction of the Takeda cavalry. Against targets with no Divinity, mystery, or riding capability it's "merely" an oppressive rain of bullets.
This Noble Phantasm is also why Nobunaga can constantly throw away guns and produce another loaded gun instantly.[/list] 
[list][*][u]Name[/u]: Papiyas, Demon King of the Sixth Heaven 
[*][u]Rank[/u]: E-EX
[*][u]Type[/u]: Anti-Divine
[*][u]Effects[/u]: A Reality Marble that manifests a scorching hell, pushing Nobunaga towards an existence wielding absolute power against Divinity and mystery...  and, for some reason, including a gashadokuro. Perhaps just because a giant flaming skeleton also looks cool. Regardless, this also has a change of burning [i]her[/i] out if she were to keep it going.
Against mundane people, it's merely unpleasantly warm. With a giant skeleton.[/list]
[*][b][u]Alignment[/u][/b]: Lawful Neutral
[*][b][u]Changes[/u][/b]: Nobunobunobu~[/list]

[hider=Nun][list][*][u]Name[/u]: Frederika Lösnich 
[*][u]Age[/u]: 22
[*][u]Appearance[/u]: [url=https://safebooru.donmai.us/posts/3477894]Behold, a nun![/url] And yet compared to some of the Church's random personnel this is still pretty well dressed.
[*][u]Personality[/u]: Lacking in confidence with her ability to deal with strangers at the best of times, being in a rural area in a foreign country is far out of Frederika's comfort zone, even without considering the violence poised to break out any second. Although by inclination and faith preferring to help people rather than fight, her resolve has already been diminished via contact with some quite aggressive types merely to get to the site of the war, and this is one nun that half expects that any hope to be a peaceful assistant is slim at best.
[*][u]Abilities[/u]: Despite being a member of the Church, Frederika does have some capacity for magecraft and knowledge unrelated to their sacraments, combining above-average circuits with a knack for healing. Beyond this, she would not stand out as someone suited to participation in the likes of a Grail War, as although in shape, she lacks anything in the way of combat training. What she [i]does[/i] have is an instinctual sixth sense... ironically, one that would only really show itself of use when it comes to taking the best course of action in combat. It does seem to help slightly with diagnosis of injuries but the only real thing she has to show for it is never having lost a snowball fight.
[*][u]History[/u]: Hailing from a family long affiliated with the less-public side of the Church, Frederika long expected that the majority of her life would be spent like her mother before her--normally no more than one associated with the organisation, involved with the Church in some capacity but aware enough of its secrets, but available should some member ever need healing beyond the scope of basic medicine. When her parents had passed on, she naturally passed into the Church's care, yet remained on the same path as a healer. After all, what reason was there to expect that this youth, healing ability or not, would possibly be of use as one of the Church's warriors?
Although she often felt a sudden need to step aside when someone has come rushing past, or duck when someone threw something, even without paying attention, Frederika never felt the need to do anything [i]major[/i], which felt like it would discount these strange feelings as divine revelation. Even the sudden appearance of strange symbols didn't achieve as much... and, hesitantly, she asked for advice from those more learned about the supernatural.
After being directed to, quite alarmingly, the Assembly of the Eighth Sacrament, Frederika was given a very basic set of instructions for what to do, then prepared to go to Japan and shipped to a city by the name of Fuyuki, under firm orders to send word if this turned out to be because of anything grail-like again and not a random fluke.
Having to travel halfway across Japan with a historical figure because it turned out she was in completely the wrong town, after sending said letter, was not really her plan. She's really quite uncertain at this stage.