[center][h3]Joanie Ainjyl Porter[/h3][/center][hr]
[sup][center] ✦ May 30 1969 (16) ✦ Female ✦ Lesbian ✦ Filipino-American ✦[/center][/sup]
[indent]Explosion Inducement: Through accelerating the molecules at a specified point, Joanie is able to cause explosions. Depending on the chosen target, the size of these explosions will vary; the bigger the target, the bigger and more dangerous the explosion.

There are several limitations to this ability, however. More time and effort is required to trigger a larger target, with Joanie becoming tired if she exerts herself too much. On top of this, Joanie isn't invulnerable to her explosions, meaning that it could be extremely dangerous for her if something were to go wrong. This is only heightened from the fact that it'll take time for Joanie to learn how to accurately target something to explode; A single touch while angry could be all that is takes to trigger one. Touching her target isn't exactly necessary, however it may take a lot of effort and training for her to trigger an explosion without it.[/indent]
Growing up as one of the only Asian kids in her neighborhood within Crestwood Hollow, Joanie found herself an outsider for the entirety of her youth. 

Joanie's father Steven had grown up in the Crestwood Hollow, before leaving for college in Norfolk. Given his thirst for knowledge, he flourished there, eventually joining the department of Psychology as a research fellow. That was where he met Magindara, Joanie's mother, who had recently emigrated from the Philippines; the two had gone to grab for the same book at the college's library. Seven months later the two had married, before settling down to Steven's hometown once Joanie's mother had fallen pregnant. 

Joanie didn't have many friends as she made her way through school, with her becoming quiet and reserved as a kid in an effort to avoid being the subject of the school bullies. Despite this, jeers and insults still found their way to her. This, in collaboration with the regular teenage hormones, led to the girl growing a bold and sarcastic personality as she bit back, commonly mocking and insulting her peers in retaliation. Despite it often leading to her finding herself receiving a talking to from both her teachers and her parents, Joanie had decided that the best way to solve her problems was to simply push back.

As Sophmore year began, this behaviour only escalated. That was until one of Joanie's classmates stepped in during one particular standoff within the corridors of Mather Memorial High. Joanie hadn't spoken to Vanessa Bordeaux much until that point, she operated in a greater social cloud than she after all, however, the two found themselves drifting together; Stolen glances from across the class. Occasional small talk in the halls. The brush of her hand as she passed Joanie handouts in class. Bonding over a shared interest in the latest Margaret Atwood novel in the town's bookshop. It probably wasn't anything significant to Vanessa, but Joanie found a newfound fire burning deeply within her whenever she laid eyes on the girl. She never dared act on these feelings though. She could only imagine what her peers would think if they discovered how she felt. 

One of the popular girls at Mather Memorial, Erica Northridge, held a house party a few months into the school year. Joanie told people the only reason she went was for the free booze, but really it was because Vanessa had mentioned going. As the night drew to a close, the two teenagers found themselves sat together alone in the house's laundry room, continuing conversation that they had had in the bookstore weeks prior. Joanie didn't know if it was because of the liquid courage she'd been drinking or just the particular way that Vanessa had styled her hair that night, but she soon found herself kissing her. Awkwardly trying to laugh off what had happened, Joanie ran before Vanessa could even respond.

The following week Joanie avoided both her gaze and all other attempts that Vanessa made to talk to her. She didn't want to confront what had happened. She didn't want to lose what had been the happiest months of her life. Then, just as she had built up the courage to finally confront her, Joanie found her heart shatter as Vanessa's death was announced during morning announcements. 
[indent][list][*]Music: Joanie was enrolled in piano lessons for the majority of her time during elementary school, before eventually quitting upon reaching middle school. To appease her mother, however, she kept up her musical talents to an extent by learning to play bass.  
[*]Intelligent: She has demonstrated a high aptitude for English literature, history, and philosophy, among other subjects. In recent years she's become enthralled in feminist literature.[/list][/indent]
[indent]While sharing classes for a large part of their lives, the two hadn't interacted much until Sophmore year where Joanie found herself quickly falling for Vanessa after an incident. They grew somewhat close, with Joanie kissing Vanessa at a party a week before her death. [/indent]