[center][img] https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLmUwYjYwYi5RMkZrWlc1alpTQnZaaUJoSUZSb2RXNWtaWEp6ZEc5eWJRLCwuMA,,/vtks-hyperboldi.regular.png[/img] [color=gold]Time:[/color] Evening [color=gold]Location:[/color] Roshmi City [color=gold]Interactions:[/color] Risa [@princess] [/center] Cade froze for a moment as the royal blooded fairy pet the fur on his paw like hand. Had his dance partner been anyone else, anyone without a royal bloodline that he held in the highest regards, his reaction would have been a very different one. However, circumstances being what they were, Cade stifled any outburst at both being referred to as ‘fluffy’ and being petted, though his tail flicked with annoyance. He did not normally allow strangers to pet him based on their whims, for he was no creatures pet. Instead, Cade focused on her words, for the honor of speaking to royalty was a great one and he would try not to waste it. She had asked him for his name, and for a moment he forgot it, standing speechless at the thought that a member of true royalty would now know his name. For the time being his name carried no weight, he was yet to become the great warrior he aspired to, but one day he dreamed of being someone worth remembering. [color=gold]“I am Cadence of a Thunderstorm, but many simply call me Cade.”[/color] He spoke his name proudly, mirroring none of the humbleness Risa held when she had shared her own name. [color=gold]“And my people believe in the power of names and of heritage, and your family name, Princess Risa, holds a great deal of power. A name that sparks hope, and that is powerful weapon against darkness. The fairies I have met speak great things about you, and you do not disappoint.”[/color] Cade added. It did not feel right to address the fairy only as Risa even if she had introduced herself that way, even to use her first name almost sounded wrong. Cade still found himself at a loss for words, what else could say to a royal that would hold any interest, he was just a simple cat. What he did know was that all fairies he had meet before enjoyed a good dance, so he focused on that, taking the opportunity to raise their entangled hands up and gently spin Risa. He continued to focus on the dancing, not wanting to make any mistakes that would make himself look bad in front of a princess. Cade kept an easy smile despite his nervousness, for he was dancing with great royalty. He wondered if things were as Artemis had suggested, and that right now perhaps it was his mother that was smiling down on him. If she was, this moment would have made her very proud.