
When all was said and done, Izzy came out relatively unscathed. Especially as she looked out at the rest of the coven. [color=C28285]"I'm fine."[/color] She assured Quinn who came to help her. [color=C28285]"But I think.... It's over,"[/color] The scary blue lady was nowhere to be seen.

However, a different problem arose. Izzy wasn't there when the FBI wrecked their old base, but that fact that they had the balls to show up after whatever weird chick almost killed them was another story. Antheia had already moved over to Maya to begin patching her up. Izzy looked around and saw Lyss looking pretty banged up. But she was also surrounded with FBI. Madison was already being helped by the newcomers, but it looked like Lyss was being grilled instead of helped.

It took some effort, but Izzy finally managed to drag herself over to Lyss. While there was some fear of talking to authority figures lingering, she focused on the annoyance that their late arrival. [color=C28285]"Excuse me,"[/color] She said, moving past the two agents. She only gave them a brief glare before focusing on Lyss. [color=C28285]"Do you mind if I.."[/color] She paused, feeling the eyes of the FBI on her. Actually she'd rather not do that in front of cops. [color=C28285]"Nevermind."[/color] The healer began to slowly heal Lyss through soft touches. She didn't want to cause any more pains from the wounds. 

Their conversation didn't exactly matter to Izzy, but hearing that there was a casualty made her heart drop. Her mind raced to think of who it was, but she stopped it to stay focused on the task at hand.