


Meifeng stared down Vashti as she shook her head at her. The girl was obvious under the impression that the Coven was in trouble... but what was a priority to Meifeng was getting her patched up because she looked like she was damn near ready to die. Fortunately, Meifeng had a medkit in hand.

"We're not here to arrest you witches," Meifeng started as she walked over towards the girl and gestured for her to stay down. "Don't get back up, you'll probably kill yourself trying..." Meifeng trailed off as she warned her, 

"I'm going have to take your shirt off to get at the wound, okay?" Meifeng grit as the disgusting sight didn't even bother her.

[quote=Maya]“I want to go look, but I don’t want to go alone, after everything that’s happened, will you come with me?” 

Trevor smiled. But he had to stay on his toes, if he went somewhere with this chick she could say that he touched her butt or something. Trevor looked down... shit, [i]she ain't got one[/i]. Trevor also didn't want to look like a pussy either. Why can't life be simple and not throw these situations his way? Why? 

"Why of-" Trevor had to suppress his accent again. "...of course,"

Trevor turned towards Meifeng as he said, "My probate-ee is going dead person hunting and I'm going to accompany her for emotional support."

Meifeng shook her head as she knew that they were getting a bit too close but right now she had different priorities. With a sigh, Meifeng ordered, "Go! And no funny business!" [i]One of these days I'm going to kill him.[/i]

The Hound's head moved, just slightly to look down on Alyssa. The Hound dramatically leaps from the top of the Ferris wheel down to the ground... and when he hit the ground he disappeared into a cloud of black fog and walked alongside Lyss. Maximilian out of reflex had coated himself in the shining blue crystals as Meifeng merely crossed her arms and looked at him.

"Ease yourself," The Hound said to Maximilian, "I did not come here to do battle."

The Hound's neck unnaturally turned towards Lyss... in the blink of an eye, he was colossal. And Lyss was merely an ant compared to him. He stared down Alyssa for a few moments before he softly spoke, 

"I am here for the soul of Elise Hart," The Hound just blankly stated before he looked at the rest of the group. "Finding her body will be a fool's errand as a certain... apparition took it."

At this point, the wound around Madison's side was patched up and she stood up as she stared at the Hound. She wanted to activate the Jaws but... he wouldn't let her. She hissed as she listened to that bastard speak and she got more and more annoyed. That thing is the only reason why she doesn't her cousin anymore. It was to the point where she didn't even bother listening to what he said as she was barely being restrained by the Hound.

"... There are only four apparitions in use by the Coven, and three are here," Claudette started as everything clicked... of course, it didn't require a degree in rocket science to figure it out. 

"Babylon the Great has killed and abscised Elise Hart," The Hound spoke as he walked on past the DENS and the Coven. "Do with that information as you please, it is not my place to interfere..."

The Hound walked towards the site where Ellie was killed