[center][h1][color=#993427]L E N A  G I B B Y[/color][/h1]
[sub][color=#993427][b]Location:[/b][/color] [color=gray]Jenkin's Diner, Rushford[/color]		[color=#993427][b]Date:[/b][/color] [color=gray]May 7th, 2019[/color]		[color=#993427][b]Interaction:[/b][/color] [color=gray]Katie Jenkins ([@Inkarnate])[/color][/sub]

[color=gray]	It had been almost a week since the chaos ensued. It had been almost a week that Lena had been stuck at Jenkin's Diner. Almost a week since she last saw her family, her cats, her grandmother... Almost a week since she last slept peacefully and carelessly. Now the dark hours of the night were filled with dreadful thoughts ever since she first saw the dead attacking people, tearing at their flesh and spilling blood like there was no tomorrow. But then again, for them, there wasn't.

	She was staring at the ceiling while laying down in one of the booths at the diner, counting the stains and imagining shapes with them, wondering when had been the last time someone had cleaned the yellow spots. Probably never. Who the hell scrubs fat stains from a diner ceiling? But she didn't have anything else to keep herself busy with. She kept her phone off to save battery, and she had already finished the book she had with her. All she had left to entertain herself with was paperwork, and she was not spending the long hours of the apocalypse thinking about car insurance.

	Her arm was falling asleep so she switched positions, now staring at the gums under the table. People could be so gross. No position was comfortable enough. Before the chaos, she had been at work, so she wasn't exactly dressed for the zombie apocalypse. Her dress shirt and pants made it difficult to find a good position to lay in. Finally, she heard Katie saying she'd make breakfast. She jumped out of the booth and stood up, straightening her shirt.

	[/color][color=#993427]"I can help,"[/color][color=gray] she said, eager for the opportunity to do something. She stretched her arms and legs for a second before heading behind the counter to help cook food for everyone.[/color]