[quote=@role model]
[hider=Darth Simula]

Character's name: Darth Simula
Race: Zabrak
Character Alignment: Evil
Character Background
Simula was originally Iridonian, but was a Nightbrother. He was shipped to Darthomir by the Nightsisters. His childhood was spent tilling vegetation and mining for his masters. If that was not enough, on his time away from the mines, he wrestled with his peers and he encountered many different monsters that roamed the land. Then, his day came and he was asked to show up at the Nightsisters mountainous temple. 

He arrived early the morning of the trials and brushed off at how uncaring and evil the masters were. He had been observed in a fistfight and while he battled the other Nightbrother many rocks nearby levitated and then dropped. He was not aware of this, so it was analyzed that he did indeed have some Force power.

There was power in him from working on Dathomir, but the Nightsisters needed evidence that the young Simula could serve the dark side. A sith apprentice had been dispatched to the home world of young Simula to test him over a week long casting. He was given a non-lethal lightsaber and told to attack. He had no clue what he was going and got his face planted in the dirt.  However, the apprentice noted Simula showed inner strength in the way of rage and greed. He completed his week long run.

He returned to working and fighting beasts for a little bit of time. The Sith apprentice showed up and carried him away. Simula was taken to Korriban. When he arrived he tried to communicate with another young  dark sider and he was slapped. Then, he jumped and the two beat each other for several minutes. Later on, he saw the boy that pushed him and they shook hands. The new Sith apprentice was not from Dathomir for the sake of it. He could scrap.

Simula did well his first year. He managed to murder one apprentice in a private duel.  It had been nearly a year since he did it and he began to realize that he was becoming the real thing. He remained praciticing his powers and his swordsmanship. He could preform telepathy, and used it to control his duelist's minds to bedumb them and strike them with his lasersword.

While he pushed forward in his training, SImula showed promise in Nimen combat. Such training was dubbed completed, along with doing good work with the style Atura. He was called impulsive and told that the trait was both good and evil, but he received high marks on his disciplined combat styles. He also had a lot of will by showing that his psionic powers were great compared to many of his peers.

After a while Simula decided that he was trained enough to explore the galaxy as a rouge Sith. He left Korriban and headed to his home world Dathomir. There he found that most of the Nightsisters were dismantled. He encountered several survivors that told him about Sith lords burning the place down. He had a brother called Phinix that was slain, and felt hate and rage. But, he would not pursue the culprit. The culprit had done much more good than bad.

Next, he hopped aboard a layman's transport ship and journeyed to Nar Shaddaa. His purpose was to rob and steal as much as possible so he could buy transports, and other things. When he arrived he laid low for a few days while he cased the casinos and the Hutt bookies. Then, over two days he robbed property that was substantial to his own means. He didn't know how much he needed, so he took it all. And before he boarded his ship he had droids that attacked him, and he disposed of them. It was his first fight and he saw victory.

When he arrived at his next destination he experienced one of his very first insights. He felt something alerting him that danger was around the corner. He was on Tatoonie, and he was there to kill and rob anything that looked valuable. He went into one, then two, then another and another. Darth Simula murdered unsuspecting, innocent people as fast as he could swing his lightsaber. The militia unit present on the city quickly armed themselves for lightweight armor and appeared in the middle of the street and pushed him back, causing him to collapse and run away. He hid.

He was uncontrollably enraged, and he stayed a night before he bought another ride. He did not speak the entire transport. In enough time, he resurfaced on Korriban. The masters at the place scolded him and beat him, but acknowledged that he had handled himself well. He apologized while he cried and screamed in agony while they reprimanded. But, his wish come true. He was appointed to an elder Dark Lord called Darth Zaras.

Character Personality
He has never had a good life. He was brought up a slave and then turned out to be a practicioner of the dark side of the Force. His hate, his anger, and all the other anxieties he once was troubled by contributed to his dark path success.

Darth Simula tries to stay levelheaded. He doesn't believe in hard punishment but is strict depending on the scale of failure he confronts. He is not uncontrollable, but finds that total control must be enforced in many different ways, be it addressing a smuggler or an issued order. He does not like to fail in particular, which he is known to be his largest critic. He is narrowminded, but respects liberal viewpoints. Murder is something he perpetrated at the academy and, if it is an order, he gladly carries out the hit. 

His disposition is a quiet one. Where other people find love, he finds lust. Where they find admiration, he finds jealousy. When people find something gross, Darth Simula finds it normal. Where people find something to share, he would rather keep it all for himself. And when good is found, he looks into it for evil that may lie within.

Character Class
Force Sensitive (Sith)

Simula carries a single red lightsaber, a scoped blaster pistol, holocomm, currency

Supporting Characters
Darth Diabolus is Simula's master. The two met shortly after Simula returned to Korriban not only having been chased out of Tatoonie, but was found guilty of being a traitor. Diabolus felt a bit of sympathy for the young Zabrak, and offered him a second chance. The training incepted that day, and the two have been Master and Apprentice since then. Darth Diabolus also has another apprentice, Tarak. All of the trials and shake downs have been endured, the Simula and Tarak have pledged to always serve their Master.[/HIDER]

