Soleira was drenched in sweat as she watched the sun get low on the horizon. Next to  her stood a large stone, half-way carved in the shape of a heart. Dust and gravel laid around it. In her hands she held a sharpened rock. It was getting blunt now though. Soon she’d have to replace it. Below she could see the gentle tendrils of white smoke rise from cooking fires. The village had grown significantly in the past few years. Perhaps because it was one of the safer places in the Luminant. With the aid of the animals and the wingless ones, most of Soleira’s siblings were kept out. Neiyari and Oraeliari alike. Though the later siblings were mostly kept out due to superstition and Soleira was too afraid to face them still. Nonetheless, she had created a nice and peaceful corner in this colorful land. Probably mostly because her siblings didn’t care for this place. They cared about the white dome, the black tower and the great, healing lake.

“You’ve been hard at work.” A voice coming from behind her said.

The four-winged angel rose up to face the elder wingless one and smiled. “It’s a gift. To a goddess. I hope she’ll like it.”

The elder rested a hand on the unfinished statue. “It will be big.” She noted. “How long have you been working on it now?”

“A few moments every day for a week. Don’t worry, I haven’t shirked my duties.” Soleira said as she followed the elderly lady who walked around the stone. “The animals are still our friends and the land is still full of colorful plants.”

“Oh dear, the last thing I would be afraid of is you shirking your duties.” The elder said. “You should rest, child. Your Oraeliara wouldn’t mind, I am sure. You’ve slaved so hard for the land already. Everyone needs a minute to sit down.”

“Thank you, but I rest plenty when I sleep. I’ll rest more when I’m older. Right now there’s too much to do.” Now Soleira touched the stone. “Even this… sometimes feels like a waste of valuable time.” She knew it not to be true. The statue had to be finished. It had to be. It would be the only way she could talk to her. Nonetheless, deep inside she did feel a yearning for a slower day. So she could just lay down in the soft grass, listen to the breeze and feel the warm sun on her skin. But rest was for the old. She hadn’t deserved it yet.

A year later the stone was finally finished. It was shaped in the form of a heart and while it wasn’t very polished or expertly crafted, it was still very big. Soleira had watched it for three straight days now. Every time she was about to kneel down and pray, she felt doubt creep up along her spine. Would it be enough? Would Neiyara like it? Those were questions she couldn’t find an answer to. But on the mid-afternoon of the fourth day she forced herself on her knees in front of the stone. She clasped her hands together, closed her eyes and prepared to say her prayer.

But she stopped. What if Neiyara would harm her? Her people did. She swallowed deeply. There was only one thing she could do: “Father.” She whispered as she bowed her head. “I don’t know if you can hear this. I don’t know if  you… even care. I would understand if  you don’t. There’s so much happening in the world. But just… if you happen to hear this. I-I might be… I’m scared. But I know I have to do it. I know I have to pray to her. It’s just. If you have the time and the energy, please. Please I’m begging you, I could really use someone right now.”

She released a deep sigh after her prayer. Letting all doubt and fear flow out of her heart. There was not much more she could do. Fate shouldn’t be kept waiting. So after the deep sigh she clasped her hands together again, lowered her head and closed her eyes. “Neiyara. I pray to you now. I know I’m an Oraeliari but I really, really hope you can find a moment to talk to me.”

A deep silence seemed to overtake the world around her for just a moment, before the air itself began to feel humid and cloying. A sighed breath sounded in her head, and felt as though it brushed against her ear. A gentle pressure dug into her mind, a dulling sensation that made focusing on her surroundings harder. [color=8493ca]"An errant child seeking solace, a warm-hearted woman returning to the fold. How could I refuse? I am here for you, my sweet, so sing your worries that I may soothe you."[/color] a sultry voice rang out in her mind.

Soleira swallowed deeply. Fear crept up her spine. Something inside of her wanted her to just stop the prayer and fly away. But right now she couldn’t run. She shouldn’t! The breath of the goddess sent down another shiver through her. Her heart felt small and meek but she persevered. Even though she felt her own senses pulling back from the world she loved so much. That she embraced completely. With her eyes closed and her wings folding over her as to form a protective shield. This would be a fight of her heart. “T-Thank you.” She managed to stammer out. “For listening to me. I-I made a statue for you. I hope you like it.” Now came the hard part. “I… worry about you, goddess.” She hoped that did not appear offensive.

[color=8493ca]"A statue hewn from stone, yet unique in every way. I love it, my dear. None other is quite like it,"[/color] the voice returned, inviting and soft. [color=8493ca]"Not many have the heart to worry for others, let alone their creator. Why do you worry for me, my one and only?"[/color]

“I-I think you’re hurting.” Soleira said. “As the goddess of love, I think you are in a way also the goddess of heartbreak. And I think you are carrying a lot of pain.” And then her bravery slipped. With the words said, it fled her. Her body began to shiver in response to the goddess’ presence. She would get hurt. Maybe she deserved it, for daring to speak up against a goddess the way she did. Whatever happened next, she couldn’t bear to see it coming. So she squeezed her eyes completely shut.

A long silence followed. Due to the strange sensation in the air, and the pressing intent in the back of her head, she knew she was still watched, yet for the longest time the goddess did not speak. When words once more flowed from within her own mind, there was an edge that had not been there before. A veiled temper hinted beneath the sugary tone. [color=8493ca]"How sweet of you to think of me, my dearest. And what would you do with such thoughts? Have you come to heal a goddess? Do what no one else has thought to do? Perhaps, what no one else can do?”[/color]

“N-No.” Soleira meekly admitted. She had gone over this a thousand times as she was carving the rock. Who was she? A mere mortal. What could she do to really help a goddess? She was alone amongst the billions of mortals on the planet. “No I don’t think-“ She stopped and swallowed deeply. “I don’t think I can, goddess. I’m just a mortal. You’re a goddess. I don’t think I could ever heal you. I don’t think I could even come close.” She was just little Soleira. The same little Soleira that had talked to the goddess of life and light. “But-“ There was a weak sense of defiance in her. “I was just thinking, no… hoping, that there would be something small I can do. Something to maybe help ease the pain just a little bit.”

A quiet tut followed, and Soleira felt something run up gently between her collarbones, a set of invisible fingers dragging up her skin and dipping up to slide under her chin. A caress turned into a gentle push to lift her chin. [color=8493ca]"Oh, you long to help others, don't you? Even someone you cannot see, far above your station. So you carved a stone to appease the unknown. Come out of your shell, my one and only. Stand proud for what you've done."[/color] the voice continued, and the pressure under her chin increased as though someone was pulling her to stand. 

Soleira understood, and slowly rose up from her knees. But she wouldn’t lie. “I-It’s not pride, goddess. Please. I just want to help.” Did she overreach? Was this too much? Her wings stretched themselves out as that little voice in the back of her head told her to run. To fly and flee as far as she could. Away from this place.

[color=8493ca]"How will you help me?”[/color] the voice asked inquisitively as the pressure under her chin vanished. A gentle breeze rolled past, tousling her hair gingerly like fingers rustling through it affectionately. [color=8493ca]"I’ll hear your every desire, my darling sweet.”[/color]

“I-I don’t know.” She was hoping the goddess would. Love meant nothing if there was no pain. That was something she learned some time ago. If she hadn’t cried when the old, grey wolf died, what kind of friendship would they have in the first place. But at the same time, that love should always conquer pain. It should always end well. But how could she ever assure such an outcome? “I can only ask. So I’m asking: what can I do to ease your pain? Even for just a little bit?”

A breath skirted past her ear softly, brushing against skin, though there was no one present to do so. [color=8493ca]"My beautiful darling, your presence on the world is enough to soothe a thousand hearts. Yet mine longs for more than words,”[/color] the voice murmured, a conspiratorial, low tone. A strange sensation ran over her form, like many hands stealing touches, sending ripples over her skin. The wind appeared to pick up around her, leaves and dirt whipping up in a wide torrent centered around her and the stone. [color=8493ca]"I accept your gift, Soleira, yet my pain is not a simple one. Not like wolves, or squirrels, or birds. You can ease it, my sweet. All you need to do is want it. Will you help a weary soul?”[/color] As the voice resounded in her mind, the ground itself appeared to tremble and rumble ever so slightly, though her footing was steady as ever.

Soleira felt some sort of force mounting around her. The influence of Neiyara, she assumed. The goddess’ sweet words touched the four-winged angel deeply. “Yes, I will.” She said with some more confidence in her heart. “But-“ And it fled again. Was she even in the position to make a request? She had to. For the good of all. She had to. “But I feel like I must say something first. So it was said. So it is known. If I am to sooth the pain of others, I don’t want to sooth all of it. Nor do I want to sooth it immediately after they experienced it. Love…would be meaningless if without pain.”

[color=8493ca]"You have more wisdom than you know, my dearest.”[/color] the voice asserted with a sensual sigh that seemed to brush against Soleira’s cheek. Yet around her, the wind picked up to a whipping howl, and the world beyond the torrent began to vanish between a whirl of leaves and debris. The rumble grew in intensity and sound, until the ground beneath her feet actually began to quake. At first the stone carved for the goddess shifted ever so slightly, an uneasy tilt as though it stood unevenly. The reason quickly became apparent; beneath it expanded a yawning tear in the world itself, replacing the ground with an ephemeral shimmer. It grew and grew, eating the ground before Soleira until it spanned beyond the confines of the stone on each side. Like it weighed down on reality itself, the stone shifted uneasily and began to sink into the tear, vanishing from sight. Glimpses of another land flashed between stone and shimmer - pink flowers, the sound of a river somehow overpowering the sound of the wind. A structure, perhaps? [color=8493ca]"Will you ease my pain, child? Come to me.”[/color]

Soleira was about to take a step, when suddenly a pressure began to mount around her. Neiyara’s presence was joined by another. The air grew thick and heavy. She felt energy all around her pulse and rage. [color=a187be]“Hold.”[/color] She heard from a voice she’d never heard before, but she did as she was told. From then on, whatever entity or presence that had joined her no longer spoke in mortal words. It spoke in pressure and weight. In a language Soleira could feel but not comprehend. But to the goddess, the presence would be familiar. A sibling, who chose not to speak with mortal tongues. The message of the presence was simple: [color=a187be]‘The Angel is to remain on Galbar.’[/color]

The world trembled as the stone fell through entirely, growing smaller and gently setting down far below beside a pavilion of marble and wood. It seemed miniscule, far below in the hole in reality. At the angle, Soleira could only barely see movement within, legs shifting position before being hidden by the roof. [color=8493ca]"I long for your aid. Your opportunity will not last long, my sweet. Come to me. Heal me.”[/color] Invisible fingers seemed to clasp around her waist, and tug at her gently. A strange ripple of emotion coursed up through her waist, warm and fulfilling yet yearning. An itch for more, to feel good and see the goddess smile. To soothe the heart of perhaps the most hurt of all. The sensation crashed over her like a wave from the ocean, shooting a longing into her heart that she knew was not her own but still couldn’t help but listen to. How good it would be to help a goddess. Perhaps there would be peace. Perhaps all would settle. It would be so easy to step into the hole and go to the pavilion. To give in, and be the healer she wanted to be.

“She needs me.” Soleira muttered, as she reached out and took another step. The pressure around her quaked. Stone began to crack. To the divine the message was simple: [color=a187be]‘No!’[/color] The presence would not let Soleira go. Around her the very same type of barrier that she herself could conjure appeared. Locking her into a bubble. The second she realized what was happening, she began to bang on the blue, crystal-like substance. “She needs me! Let me go! I can help her! Let me go!” With her fists she banged against the barrier. She didn’t even stop when her knuckles began to bleed; “I can help her!” She kept screaming. With everyone hit on the barrier, the pressure in the area mounted. Waves of energy were released from it. Once more only understandable by the divine: [color=a187be]’Sister! Release her from your hold. She is not yours to take!’[/color]

The pressure continued to mount, energy coiling into the sky and mingling with the whipping whirlwind around her. The need grew with each moment, until the tear in reality began to ripple uneasily and the pavilion began to fade from view. The wound in the world did not close so much as it evaporated, leaving behind only ground where once a mighty carved stone had stood. With the closing of the window into another world, the sensation and need to join the goddess began to ebb away - a mere flight of fancy, leaving only confusion and fatigue.

When the tear faded away, so too did the bubble holding Soleira. The second presence’s pressure vanished in an instant as well. Soleira’s body felt stiff and ached. As if she had just run half a day. With the bubble gone, she collapsed on her knees. “W-What just happened..?” She asked out loud as she watched the ground. Her mind could barely process it. The alien feelings, instilled by the goddess, were fleeing her mind. But she still felt a lingering sensation. Was it… anger? Anger because someone had held her back. “I.. should’ve helped her.” She muttered out loud, realizing she had failed and tears welled up.

The whirlwind remained around her however, decreased in strength but still present. [color=8493ca]"I'm disappointed, Soleira,"[/color] the voice began anew, sullen and bitter. [color=8493ca]"To entice a goddess so, yet give her nothing but words and tribute. Your gift will serve as a bittersweet reminder of a promise unfulfilled."[/color] The winds picked up and the pressure in the back of her head increased alongside it. [color=8493ca]"I mark you now, with the same sorrow I see, so that you may forever know the futility of your actions."[/color] At that, the whirlwind paused for a brief moment before turning inwards and surging towards Soleira's heart.

“I-I’m sorry! I just-“ Her words were smothered by the whirlwind racing towards her heart. She doubled over. Tears kept streaming off her cheeks. She forced open her eyes, only to see herself coated in some sort of deep blue mist. Sadness grew to bitterness in her heart as she looked upwards. “I hate you!” She screamed. Not at Neiya. No the hate and sorrow boiling over in her heart were directed to the strange entity that had stopped her. That had blocked her from fulfilling her destiny. “I hate you! I should’ve helped her! I-I was born for that! Why did you stop me! Why?!” She screamed upwards towards the skies.

A last breathed sigh brushed against her ear, ran like a gust of wind through her hair, and finally vanished into the ether. With it, the whirlwind subsided and calmed. The air grew quiet at once, the cloying and heavy feeling lifting away. Likewise, the pressure at the back of her head slowly wore away until nothing remained to push upon her mind. Leaves, grass and pebbles fell to the ground. The goddess was gone.

Top nice girl Soleira is all sweaty - but for a good reason; she has a foolproof plan that involves carving a stone into a specific shape. In the triangle of quality, time and cost, Soleira sacrifices time and spends a year on her hobby project. The result; a seven foot stone chipped into the shape of a non-gross heart.

After a swift prayer to her mana-daddy, Soleira enacts her extremely clever and thought-out plan to contact Neiya. Neiya - who doesn't get a lot of calls from nice angels - picks up and is all up on her trying to do her usual shenanigans. Soleira is too pure to get it and offers Neiya the heart-rock, and also is like "gurl, I know you hurtin, lemme make it better baby".

Neiya thinks that is a super dope idea and opens a magic sinkhole portal under the heart-stone, and is all like "Netflix and chill at my place?"

Soleira agrees at first but Qael, who's been waiting on the porch of Soleira's mind is all like 'hell naw, get your catty claws outa my daughter'. Neiya tries anyway by uhhhh encouraging the Oraeliari, but Qael grounds her until the portal closes.

Neiya punishes Soleira for leading her on, cursing her to see spooky fog when people are sad. Soleira gets mad at Qael for blocking her date choices.

[hider=DP & MP]
Neiya Starting MP/DP: 5/3

-1 DP - Sorrow Sight I: (Creatures who experience sadness and sorrow in this character's proximity appear to be surrounded by a translucent deep blue mist visible only to the character.)

- 1 MP- Opened a portal to Galbar under a big stone.

- 1DP- Overwhelmed Soleira's sense of reason with the desire to be with and help Neiya for a little while. (1/5 Lust)

Ending MP/DP: 4/1
2/5 Pride
1/5 Lust

Qael Starting MP/DP: 5/5
- 1DP - Create bubble of crystalized mana to stop Soleira
Qael Ending MP/DP: 5/4

Post Length: +10K Characters
+5 Prestige >> Soleira