
[color=FF4D4D][b]Time: [/b][/color]Night
[color=FF4D4D][b]Location: [/b][/color]The Pit
[color=FF4D4D][b]Interaction: [/b][/color][@Pink Khione] - Ava

Helene could only hope that Ava wouldn't catch her slip-up as she really didn't want to give her mother another reason to come looking for her. Tomorrow she would be doing her first performance in front of a real, live audience and she was so excited. The restaurant already had a sign out front advertising her addition to the quartet and was embarrassingly flattering. Perhaps Ava would like to cone? It would give her an excuse to talk again and it would make her happy to play for her! Helen would be lying if she said she didn't want to know what Ava thought of her music.

A bit of panic settled in her chest as she heard Ava worked for the Foundation a few times and struggled not to show it. [i]A hobby for dispatching vampires?[/i] Helene knew her mother would take down some violent vampires but she always took it as a something that had to be done. It was unsettling that someone did it for a hobby, but Helene rationalized that if Ava and the Foundation were going after the same vampires it must be fine! [color=FF4D4D]"She really doesn't like rogue vampires..." [/color] she let out a light chuckle.

Right after she said that. she started to feel the effects of her hunger once more. Helene didn't want to be like this for her performance tomorrow and certainly didn't want to add another corpse tonight! Helene lowered her and began tapping her pointer-fingers together [color=FF4D4D]"I know we just met but...could you help me? I-Its my first time and I'm not sure how to do it without hurting someone."[/color] She said nervously, worried that Ava might laugh at her. Her new friend seemed to have way more experience with this kind of thing than she did [color=FF4D4D]"That man was still alive so.."[/color] Her eyes tightened up and replaced her nervous disposition with determination [color=FF4D4D]"..show me how!"[/color] Pinkish-red eyes showed the sincerity in her words.