

Lyss’s eyebrows were in the air as soon as Trevor mentioned a “recollection.” Still, she didn’t say a word as he spouted out his bullshit cover up for hacking the girl’s phones. Why? Because she had a burner with nothing on it but a few contacts. Her dirt wasn’t on display because she’d erased it all. Plus, she wasn’t in the group snapchat to dish about boys or finger fucking Phillis Schmidt. If Trevor or the DENs knew about her black market history, she was sure that they would have already taken her in.

So she kept her mouth shut. At least he apologized for their raid too. If there was one thing she could be certain of, it was that the DENs regretted making their presence known by the Coven. She smirked to herself. Meifeng certainly felt that way, no doubt about it.

Herik now spoke up to add his two cents, more like one cent, opinion. He had a point. Most of the girls weren’t graced by Izzy’s abstraction. Lyss herself felt recharged and she would (hopefully) not need her abstraction again today. A giant yacht orgy didn’t sound like another fight for the Coven. It sounded like they were just going to interrupt his pleasure cruise and give him a piece of their mind. She wasn’t sure why Vashti and Herik were so concerned. Maybe it was because they just wanted to go home and bone. [i]I’m not projecting, am I?[/i]

[i]Nah, I don’t [b]need[/b] to see Max again.[/i]

Madison spoke up instead. Lyss nodded her head once to agree, but she didn’t give her own opinion. If anyone out of this group had a reason for vengeance, it was Madison. Plus, Madison could hold her own. Somehow she always had a good plan in mind. She had to chuckle when Vashti gave a recount of what led to their tussle with Blake Schmidt and the Outsider. She covered her mouth with her hand to hide the cheshire grin as her eyes turned towards Maya. The look on her face was priceless. Honestly, if Trevor knew about their feud with Schmidt, he should know the reason why. Poor, poor Maya. Is it karma, or just dumb luck? [i]Our whole group is just dumb luck.[/i]

Her eyes watched Trevor with apprehension. He was right about the issue of arresting Blake Schmidt. The only proof would be to let the Outsider out him herself and there was no way Lyss was letting this necklace go. She wasn’t going to take it off of her neck until she knew it would be kept out of the wrong hands. Then there was the “third thing.” It only confirmed that Meifeng didn’t want anything to do with them. She felt an odd hint of respect for Max when Trevor mentioned that he’d been the one to get the DENs to fantasty land. When Trevor looked her way, Lyss stared back. So what if she was tangled up with Max? Hopefully he was grown enough to keep it from affecting his work. If he wasn’t, then Lyss would cut it off. Hell, she hadn’t even texted or called him since this morning.

Then Vashti’s eyes were on her. Lyss dropped her hand and went back to crossing her arms across her chest. She took a deep breath without a single clue about how to answer Vashti. She wanted Blake Schmidt to pay. Yet Vashti had a point. Kayla had mentioned something, but at this point Lyss felt like Kayla wasn’t coming back. Their leader had her own problems. If she still wanted to be the leader, she would have come to fight the Outsider. At least the two nay-sayers would be out of their hair looking for Kayla.

Lyss pressed her lips together. She could feel that her lipstick had faded since their fight. It was meant to outlast drinking from cold glasses, not tussles with apparitions, after all. She stuck her hand into her pocket and pulled out the lipstick she kept for situations like this. While Maya began to speak, Lyss took a moment to reapply. She’d just finished and tucked it back in her pocket when Maya said:

[b]”Lyss has basically been acting as our leader anyways.”[/b]

Lyss looked up at the group. She pushed herself off of the deck wall, gave Trevor a cautious glance, and glanced at Claudette before speaking.

[color=D3D3D3] “I already told you that I don’t want to be the leader…”

“But it looks like I’m the only one left but Madison or Claudette that can call the shots.”

“Herik, Vashti, and anyone who needs time to recover can either look for Kayla or go home to rest.”

“Madison knows what she’s saying. She’s smart enough to think from all angles, and I agree with her. Blake Schmidt needs to be brought down a few notches and I think right now, when he’s distracted, is the time to do that.”[/color]

She looked at Claudette.

[color=D3D3D3] “I think Claudette and I also agree that we cannot use any force or our abstractions to take care of him. Anything like that could get our asses thrown in jail, another video leaked of our abilities, and it would get the wrong attention turned our way.”[/color] She glanced at Trevor. The DENs was a good example of this.

[color=D3D3D3] “We need to be cool, classy, and collected, and we also need to scare the piss out of this asshole to get our point across. If anyone has any suggestions, I want to hear them now.”[/color]