
[Color=crimson]Time:[/color] Sunset
[Color=crimson]Location:[/color] Art Exhibit at Ember Grove University
[Color=crimson]Interactions:[/color] [@Ithradine] Volfango [@Milkman] Finn
[Color=crimson]Mentions:[/color]  [@masterducky] Remy [@Potter]Shay [@Helo]Elias [@FunnyGuy] Sean [@princess] Angel


Sorrel kept her focus on everything around her, but her main focus was Volfango. She stared him down, emitting a low growl of warning as she awaited him to submit. When he finally did there was a small feeling of relief, but she kept her guard up just in case. She glanced over to Finn as he spoke and could sense the small bit of agitation within him. She needed to get these two out of there now. [Color=crimson]"I'm quite aware he's feral. Unfortunately I was not aware how young he was when I left him to come help in here. If I need your help taking him down I will let you know, but for now I also need you to calm yourself. I will not have any displays of male dominance in this library and if that happens I will show you both exactly why I'm an alpha."[/color] Her tone was kind, but still very firm.

Outside she heard more vehicles approaching and she knew the front exit was no longer safe. They needed another way out. She glanced around until she spotted the back door. In theory if they went out that way they could head out towards the woods. From there they could make their way back to her place where they would be safe for the night. [Color=crimson]"Let's go out the back and into the woods. From there I can lead us to my place where you both are welcome to stay for the night and be safe. In the morning we can figure some other things out."[/color] She instructed, more for Finn than Volfango as she wasn't sure he would comprehend what she was saying. She then turned her attention back to Volfango.

[Color=crimson]"I need you to try hard to focus, to find that man that was taking me on a lovely date tonight. It's going to be hard, I know it is and I know most of this isn't going to make it through to you, but you need to try. I'm here, I'm not going to leave you. I will protect you and I will teach you how to control this, but for now you need to trust me and follow me."[/color] She told him before nudging him towards the back door away from the humans and the danger. Whoever changed him and left him on his own like this was one of the worst kinds of people in her book. If she ever met the person there would be issues for sure. For now, however, she could only do what she knew to be right and try to take him in. To help him in any way she could.

She gave one last glance over to the human hunters in the room and tried her best to communicate that they wouldn't be any threat to them. That they were leaving and wouldn't cause any harm to anyone before nudging Volfango again and moving toward the back exit. Tonight had turned out VERY differently than she'd expected.