[Color=red][b]Time:[/b][/color] Morning, Saturday [Color=red][b]Location:[/b][/color] Ember Grove [Color=red][b]Interaction with:[/b][/color] N/A Last night had been a bit of a shitshow… Could have been worse, though some wish it had gone better. Operation Humanity tried their damnedest to create a coverup. The campus suspended the fall semester as "local authorities" investigated the terrorist attack involving drugging those at the art exhibition with hallucinogens. Those that survived the attack were brought in for questioning. The questioning was used as a way to find out what the witnesses had been exposed to and to feed them the story Operation Humanity was trying to push. The deceased were taken to a facility under the guise of a morgue that sorted out the people from the monsters. Agents were debriefed thoroughly once they returned to base and were at the mercy of the piecing-eyed Trotter. Saturday morning was just the product of the night before. People mourned those who had gone missing or perished at the university campus and reluctantly digested the media's spin on the details. There were many questions that were not answered and some would never be answered at all. Just another weekend in Ember Grove. The sky was overcast today, threatening pedestrians with the possibility of rain.