Okay, so they released our assignments for the writing contest. They give you a genre, location, and object and you have 48 hours to come up with a 1,000 word story. My group got Political Satire, a forest, and a laptop. So I've begun concocting a tale of President Charles Nobberman, who secretly likes My Little Pony and has a cabin hidden in the woods where he goes with his laptop to watch the cartoon in secret. Well, there happens to be an act of war that causes the President's advisers to break his rule and they show up at the cabin, and he is horrified that they discover his secret. But they don't really care. One is like, "Dude, it's totally fine that you like ponies, we have more important things to worry about." Then the President suddenly gasps and acts offended and is like, "YOU'RE A TRAITOR! YOU'RE AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE! HOW DARE YOU ACCUSE ME OF SUCH A HEINOUS CRIME! GUARDS, EXECUTE THIS MAN AT ONCE!" and there's a Secret Service dude sitting in the corner chewing gum and reading a yaoi manga and without looking up he's like, "Nope, not gonna do that." I'm still working on the first draft. EDIT: I'm also totally gonna add someone saying, "Call us when your balls drop, King Joffrey," LOL.