[h2]Oda Nobunaga[/h2]

"It can't be helped," the Archer said with a grin, folding her arms. It was good for her Master to get on board with everything so quickly; it simply wouldn't do to waste time persuading her to get on board when there was reconnaissance to be done and enemies to assess. Who knew if any of the other famous warlords had shown up? It wouldn't do to let them get an advantage in building an army if the war headed in that direction. "The only way out for you is if someone kills you and I find another Master, so we have to stick together until this all ends."

Still, looking more serious, the Archer couldn't avoid letting out a disappointed huff, "It's a shame that it has to be happening out here. I would have liked to see how much all of Japan has changed since the Sengoku Jidai, not in a town that has barely changed since the province was renamed."

"The first thing we have to do, Master, is look around. There can be no strategy without knowledge of the land."