[center][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/marvel_dc/images/3/30/Huntress_Vol_1_Logo.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/340?cb=20130831180202[/img][/center][hr][sup][i]07/10/2020 - Gotham City - Bertinelli Estate[/i][/sup]

Helena first mentioned the idea of her uncle taking a trip back to Italy her first week back in Gotham. It had taken nearly a month for him to actually heed her advice, and a week from there to actually call an official meeting of the five families. It was an arduous task, but if there was anything Helena had learned in her years away, it was patience and attention to detail. 

She stood at the head of the mahogany conference table, the same high-back leather chair her father commanded from behind her. From her briefcase she retrieved five display tablets and placed them on the table as someone knocked softly on the door.

[colour=mediumpurple]"Come in."[/colour]

"Ms. Bertinelli," It was Micheal, her uncle's- and temporarily her- personal assistant. " everyone has arrived, but they seem displeased."

She waved him away as she pressed the power button on the display-pad in front of her. [colour=mediumpurple]"They can sweat it out another three minutes.  Offer some water then let them in."[/colour] She took her own seat at the head of the conference table and leaned back. When she was alone again, she placed the remaining displays at each of the four empty seats at the table.

Exactly 180 seconds later, Inzerillo busts through door, pushing past frail Cassamento in the process. Having already bullied his way to the front, he made a point to walk the longer path around the table only to sit at the seat furthest from Helena's own at the head. If he was surprised to see Helena instead of her uncle, he made no mention of it. Without a word, Helena pressed a button and sent the image of a police officer on a morgue table to the tablet in front of him. For a moment, his blotched-red face paled.

Santo Cassamento, the eldest don, shuffled his way into the seat left of Helena and closest to the door. 
"Helena? What a lovely surprise, I haven't seen you since you reached my knees." His introduction was surprising enough that it took a moment for Helena to return his out-stretchered hand.  She did so with a forced smile, only to send his tablet an unfortunate file regarding one of his shipping yard's recent purchases and distributions. 

Third was Galante. A fat middle-aged man that had trouble committing to anything, he barely grumbled a greeting before taking a place beside Cassamento. To his display, Helena sent files received from the mans accountant. Just numbers to the untrained eye, but in the right hands could be used as damning evidence for dozens of money-laundering businesses all owned under the Galante name.  

Finally, young Beretti came stumbling in. A boy of barely 18, he looked like he wanted nothing more than to melt into the carpet.  With a calculated slide of Helena's finger, the display at his seat showed a rather stunned Charlotte Rivers sitting with a newspaper scrawled with the Bertinelli name. 

For a glimmer of a moment, there was a complete silence. The Dons studied their own dirty laundry and came to terms with the fact that they were at the mercy of one of their own. At least, it was silent until Inzerillo opened his mouth to give voice to the growing discontentment in the room.

"What is this? Where is Luca?  We have already tolerated this delusion long enough. You-" He was standing, jutting a finger at Helena as he approached her at an alarming rate.  "-are not our [i]compare[/i], and are in no place to make demands."

"More importantly" Galante joined, "What you are threatening is completely forbidden. We do not threaten our own, whatever the cost. The mere act of doing this is obscene."

Beretti finally piped up. "I'd like to know how these documents were obtained. Have you put spies in our homes?" This sparked a fire that caused the conversation to devolve into a hurling of both resentment and insults in every direction. Here lay the mighty Cosa Nostra, the oldest crime families in Gotham, bickering like children. Helena's ancestors would have laughed before having them all killed. Their plans had been sloppy enough for her to discover after a mere month being in Gotham; hiring police to spy on other family members, sloppy arms deals, flaunting ill-gotten wealth, and finally the kidnapping of the mayor's daughter. The great five families, fighting over scraps as clumsily as starving dogs while Cobblepot watched them from the wings.

"This is something we should have Mandragora handle." It wasn't a loud proclamation, but it quieted the others and drew Helena's attention.

[colour=mediumpurple]"No. This involves only the families."[/colour] She interrupted with as much finality as she could muster. Mandragora was a problem for another day.  For now, she only sought the attention of the four men in front of her, which she unequivocally held. Even Inzerillo backed away a few inches when Helena rose from her seat.

[colour=mediumpurple]"Some near two-decades ago one of you ordered a kill on my family."[/colour] The captivated silence quickly turned uncomfortable. [colour=mediumpurple]"Yes, I know, such an awkward subject, but it can't be helped."[/colour]

[colour=mediumpurple]"Worse still. Three people at this table stood by and watched. There was no trial, there was no investigation, there were no questions asked. The tenets that each man here is sworn to were broken. Omerta. You broke it with my family once, and now I do the courtesy of warning you before I do the same."[/colour]  With a touch of her hand, each of the displays briefly flashed a letter, worded to the commissioner, before all going completely dark.

[colour=mediumpurple]"From now on, the Upper East side is enforced Bertinelli territory. There will be no trespassing, there will be no selling, or fighting in our area. I don't care if you don't respect my authority, but if you don't listen to my [i]instruction[/i] those files get released. You contact a buyer on our side of town. You're finished.  One of your men gets too drunk and so much as trips in Bertinelli territory your family is finished."[/colour] She took one more brief moment to appreciate the silence that had fallen over her guests before excusing herself from the conference room.

[colour=mediumpurple]"I will give you gentlemen some time to consider."[/colour]