
It's less about being antsy and more about we being left with an unpaid cliffhanger for 2+ weeks. At this point, the scene is beginning to lose cohesion as is very evident by some of of the last posts.

We could go around and do this but what are we even supposed to expect/find out when we have no guidelines?

Also, when do you think whether or not it would be good to consider our options? I'm not saying we should hijack the RP for ourselves, but whether or not it's worth trying to keep going while we wait to see if Blu will come back or not, or if we just let this eventually cool off and die.

Just because something works in one RP doesn't mean it works in all of them after all. Waiting for a couple of weeks or so while we have an idea of what's going on is fine and easy. Doing the same while being left without information (especially while the GM has been offline for more than a week already) is much less so.