
The last week has been the most stressful than it has in awhile. Herik spent more time at home, with his fractured leg, than he has in almost fifteen years. He had a lot to think about while home alone. He's on sick leave from his job, until his doctor tells him can go back. Another five weeks, then physical therapy afterwards. He's fortunate to have months worth of PTO. He grieves every day for Ellie's death, sometimes stays up all night, because he can't sleep. His mind running through all the scenarios where any of them could done something to help her, but he knew it was futile to think this way. Emotions get the best of him sometimes. He thought about Emily's recovery and the comment of the green string she saw between him and Vashti. He tried to see what she talked about all week, but he never could. He hasn't kept up with anyone other than Vashti. News stories about a Gator Boy got him thinking about her. He hoped she was okay. She hasn't reached out to him, so he assumes she's coping with the quarter he gave her. The Coven has a new meeting place. Schmidt gave them a beach house. He saw the snapchat photos of it. It's nice, but he doesn't trust a man that's indirectly responsible for the murder of one of their friends. Nothing bad happened there yet, so that's a plus.

There are supposed get new people joining. He's happy, of course, but he worries that by being pulled into their mess more people will die. He hadn't thought of death before Ellie, but now he's all he can think about going forward. Any o them could die at any moment because of the choice they've made. It isn't right to bring anyone else into this mess. The only positive he's had all week was Asta. He helped him get around his apartment more than once. He gets objects that are too far for Herik to reach without getting up. Was this something his mother could do and he never noticed? He hasn't been to see her at all. The guilt hurts, because he never goes more than two or three days without visiting. He'll do that today.

Herik took longer to get ready with his cast in the way. His shorts were too tight to get into, they weren't loose enough to accommodate the cast, so he settled for loose faded black pants he usually sleeps in. His shirt was dark blue and his shoes were closed toed, 'cause sandals with crutches didn't go together. He took a look at himself in the mirror before he left. He was pale, the bags under his eyes were deep purple, he lost some muscle and weight from all the stress he's been through. He'll have to hit the gym when he could. He hoped he could still bench 400lbs. He couldn't drive himself anywhere, so he called an uber to pick him up. He cheated getting down the stairs, by riding Asta down. No one was around to see him. He stood on the curb with his crutches under his arms. He waited a minutes before his ride showed up. He smiled and greeted the driver. He spoke to him during the whole drive. He didn't answer tell the full truth about what happened to his leg when asked. It was weird to have to lie about it, but he couldn't possibly explain he got thrown several hundred feet into the air and used a magical lion to break his fall. Only to bounce off and hit the ground hard anyway. No one would believe that. Simply falling several stories did the trick. The driver filled the rest in for himself. 

Thirty minutes later he hobbled into his mother's room, the machines attached to her beeped like the last time he saw her, but she was paler. Her lips almost blue, the veins in her gaunt face showed through her skin like she was translucent. He called the nurse for an explanation and she couldn't give him one. Just that over the week she looked to be getting worse, but her vitals were the same. They ran test, everything was normal for her since she came in years ago. Could the magic keeping her under be getting worse? He needs to hurry. The Coven is distracting him from his goal, from several of the member's goals. It's important to find someone that can help him, Emily's sister and Vashti. He'll have to talk to them about being more proactive. He won't let any of them fail if he can help it. He stayed with his mother, until a half passed one. He kissed her forehead, promised to be back soon, then took an uber to the beach house.

He heard the commotion from the stairs leading to the house. Trouble again it seems. He shook out his left arm, Asta appeared at his side. He rode his back to the door, opened it, Chompy charged at a girl in an orange beanie. An interesting choice. If any of them were in real danger Vashti, Madison, and Emily wouldn't use a gator to attack.

"Chompy!" He called, voice excited to get his attention. Chompy passed the girl and came at Herik. His saving grace was that Asta was behind him. He couldn't take the full brunt of Chompy's weight with a bummed leg. "Who's a good boy?" He pet his back, arms wrapped around his hard scaly body. 

"Do we have a new friend joining us?" He asked the girl that was almost attacked.