[hider=Eliza Chayre][center][color=gold][h1]Eliza Chayre[/h1][/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/7aeKgaF.png[/img] [h3][color=gold]Elizabethany Chayre [/color]● [color=silver]27[/color] ● [color=silver]she/her[/color][/h3][color=gray][sup]______________________________________[/sup][/color][/center][h3][sup][color=silver][i]Appearance:[/i][/color][/sup][/h3][indent]Eliza is taller than most men, standing at around 181cm. She has long, wavy red hair that she usually braids. Her expression is usually a stern frown or a grimace of disapproval. Eliza always carries around her weapon of choice, whether it be a mace, axe, or halberd. She is almost always in armor as well.[/indent] [h3][sup][color=silver][i]Reputation:[/i][/color][/sup][/h3][indent]Eliza embodies the statement "holier-than-thou." Others around her will never be able to reach the level of purity and goodness that she holds within her soul. Why bother taking criminals to prison when the agent of god's will can send them to the Afterrealms?[/indent] [h3][sup][color=silver][i]Reason for Traveling:[/i][/color][/sup][/h3][indent]Eliza's temple in the Midlands likes to send her on extremely difficult missions that take a long time. Currently, she is pursuing a lead on a holy artifact that can supposedly cure any affliction.[/indent] [h3][sup][color=silver][i][b]Meta[/b]:[/i][/color][/sup][/h3][indent]I think the primary thing I'm looking for is a chance to do good action writing, which I don't get nearly enough practice on. I need some spicy opportunities for combat–whether they're strategic battles or rowdy brawls doesn't matter. I want to be able to show that Eliza is a capable warrior and paladin–but not much else. Badass moments are perfect for setting up the first part of that. In terms of character progression/goals, I think Eliza should move towards becoming more self-aware of her shortcomings. HOW she is made aware of them is totally open–it can be the joys of companionship, the depths of despair, betrayal, injury, whatever. She obviously wants to get the artifact as soon as possible, but I am okay with her quest taking a backseat to other characters' storylines.[/indent] [h3][sup][color=silver][i]Skills:[/i][/color][/sup][/h3][indent] [list][*]Skilled with most martial weapons - prefers heavy ones like axes, morningstars, or halberds [*]Arcane magic practitioner - can charge her weapon strikes with divine energy and make things glow with holy light [*]Trained in horseback riding, small-scale tactics, and medicine [/list][/indent] [h3][sup][color=silver][i]Extra:[/i][/color][/sup][/h3][indent][url=https://twitter.com/saxonwarlord/status/898571508276015106?s=20]Art Source[/url][/indent][/hider] LET'S [I]GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[/I]